Chapter 70: Glad I could help.

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I slide down the wall, frustrated.

Luke: How long have you been in there?!

Mariella: Two hours!

Was our call not that important to the police?

Joey: Should we call someone?!

Veronica: The fire department should be on it's way!

I huff.

Mariella: Then, where is it Veronica?!

She glares down at me.

Veronica: Don't get mad at me.

Luke: We're calling the police!

Mariella: Don't bother!

Veronica: What is wrong with you??

Mariella: Why call again? It doesn't look like their in a hurry to come and get us out.

Veronica: Well, you acting like a bitch isn't helping anything!

The boys interject.

Joey: Stop fighting! We're going to get you out!

Veronica backs away from the sliding door, placing her hands on her hips.

Veronica: Look. I'm sorry this happened to us, but you need to chill out and be patient.

I just look at her. I can't help that I'm agitated.

Mariella: I don't mean to take my anger out on you. I just don't understand why the fire department isn't here yet?

She bends down in front of me.

Veronica: It's okay. I'm upset too.

Times passes and still nothing. No police, no fire department, no help what so ever.

Luke: Where the hell are they?!

You could tell in his stern voice that he was annoyed. Luke had called the police again and they had no answers other than, the fire department was on it's way to the location. How far away is the station? Did they get lost? I mean, what the hell?!

Minutes continue to pass, until I heard sirens in the distance.

Joey: They're here!

I check my phone, 3:44. Now they decide to show up?

Veronica helps me up off the floor. We begin to hear a husky voice. I couldn't make out what was being said. I just assumed the guys were having a conversation. The talking ceases. Veronica and I look at one another confused.

Veronica: Babe? What's going on?!

Luke: Their getting the jaws of life!

This is it. We'll be freed from this prison.

Fire fighter: Alright girls, stand back!

We do as we're told, watching the door. The door starts to rattle. It makes a low screeching noise before stopping. The door barely slides open. The light starts to peer through the small crack. We see the end of the tool as the guy grunts, prying the door open wider. The sun light beams in and we see the faces of Joey and Luke. Veronica runs out first and jumps on Luke. He laughs as she embraces him tightly, kissing him.

I step out, walking towards Joey. I was so glad too see him. Well, anybody outside the elevator for that matter! I throw my arms around him.

Mariella: I'm so glad to be out of there!

I feel his arms wrap around me, as he rubs circles on my back.

Joey: Yeah. I'm glad too.

I pull away from him and turn my attention to the fire fighter.

Mariella: Glad you decided to make it.

He smirks.

Fire fighter: Glad I could help.

What a smart ass?!

Fire fighter: Why did you two decide to use an out of order elevator anyway?

Veronica: The sign was gone.

He gives her a weird look.

Fire fighter: Than, what is this?

He points to the visible sign reading "Out of order, do not use" above the elevator button.

Mariella: The one down stairs is missing. We thought they fixed it.

Fire fighter: Well, you should let the owner know about that.

Mariella: Trust me, we'll tell him. I don't want anyone else to have to wait for three hours.

He cracks a smile.

Fire fighter: Have a good rest of the after noon.

He walks off, holding the jaws of life over his shoulder.

Mariella: What an ass!

Luke: Tell me about it.

Veronica: Let's just grab our bags and get inside.

We gather up our belongings and trudge up the stairs to our apartment floor. I will never complain about walking up and down the stairs.. Ever again!

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