Chapter 37: You scared me.

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I open my eyes. I was alone. I was laying in an unknown room. My forehead felt cold and moist. A wet washcloth laid a top. Where am I? What happened? I sat up. I notice the clothes I was wearing before were laid, folded at the end of the bed. I look down, I was now wearing a v-neck shirt and sweatpants. Someone changed me?! What's going on?!

The door to the room, opened. I snatch the covers up, covering myself.

Sawyer: You're awake? How do you feel?


Mariella: Why am I here?

Sawyer: You fainted at the Cafe. You don't remember?

I fainted? I lower the covers.

Mariella: Where are we?

He smirks.

Sawyer: You're in my room.

He took me back to his apartment? I then remember I had different clothes on.

Mariella: Did you change me?!

Sawyer: I had too. You were sweating really bad.

He saw me? Half naked. Bra. Panties. Wait? What panties am I wearing?!

Mariella: You didn't do anything to me, did you?

Sawyer: I take offense to that!

The wet washcloth laid in my hand.

Mariella: Here.

He takes it and places his free hand on my forehead.

Sawyer: You still feel warm..

He gets up, leaving the room. I touch my forehead. Wow, I am pretty warm. He comes back with a thermometer in hand.

Sawyer: Open.

I slightly open my mouth. He places it under my tongue. I sit there, patiently, until I realize my shift at the Cafe isn't over yet. I mumble as the thermometer bounces up and down between my closed lips.

Mariella: Who's covering my shift at the Cafe?

Sawyer: Stop talking.

I just look at him.

Sawyer: Claire has everything under control. Don't worry.

I slouch down. The thermometer starts to beep. He takes it.

Sawyer: 101.

Really? He sets his hands on my shoulders lightly pushing me back towards the pillow.

Sawyer: Lay down. Keep this on your head.

He places the same washcloth on my forehead. It was ice cold. He's so gentle.

Sawyer: Why didn't you call in sick today?

Mariella: I didn't feel that bad this morning. I just thought It was because I didn't get enough sleep last night.

Sawyer: Well, you're definitely sick.

I look away. I felt bad I was putting him in this position. But, I was happy he was taking care of me.

Sawyer: You really scared me when you fainted.

He was scared?

Sawyer: I was worried you weren't going to wake up.

I felt terrible at this point. I've never fainted in my life! I couldn't figure out what was going on with me. I pout.

Mariella: I'm sorry.

He grins, flashing his bright blue eyes at me. He starts leaning down. I wanted to kiss him, but I panic. I cover his lips with my hand.

Mariella: Don't! You'll get sick.

He chuckles, gently pulling my hand away from his mouth.

Sawyer: Alright. You should probably get some rest.

I nod.

Sawyer: You're not allergic to any medicine, are you?

I shake my head.

Mariella: No. Why?

Sawyer: I'm gonna go out and buy a few things while you sleep.

He's so sweet. He probably had other important things to do today besides tend to me. He must really care.

Then, I start to remember.

"Joey: So, what? Are you two together now?? Even after, he said he would never date you!"

"Veronica: Just be honest with him, ask him straight up!"

Sawyer: I'll be back, Mariella.

I snap out of my thoughts as he goes to close the door.

Mariella: Wait, Sawyer!

He opens it, again. Gazing at me.

Mariella: What am I to you?

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