Chapter 83: New light.

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Claire: It's 6:21.

Mariella: I know. I'm sorry.

She tosses my apron to me from behind the counter.

Claire: That's the last time I'm covering for you.

She walks off to the back of the kitchen. I know she's pissed that I'm 21 minutes past the expected time I was suppose to be back, but she doesn't know what I went through in that hour! My stomach twinges in pain as I walk over with my pad and pen to take a couples order. Meghan got me good in the gut. I'll definitely feel it worse tomorrow.

I work my ass off the rest of my shift, trying to make up for lost time. Claire didn't speak one word to me. Only "goodbye" as she left, leaving all the cleaning to me.

"I deserved it."

I didn't mind being alone at the Cafe late. It gave me time to think. I realized Tyler never called me as I was wiping down tables and stacking chairs. Did he even go and see Veronica today? Was he still upset about how I acted last night? What does it matter. If he called I wouldn't know. I have no phone. Or, maybe he did and I missed it. Meaning, I had no way of answering it.

I place the wet rag in the sink and sigh, taking a deep breath. I pull off my apron, hanging it on the hook. I clock out, grabbing the keys to lock all the doors. I close up the front entrance and sit down on the curb. My stomach ached as I hunch over, bringing my knees up to my chest.

I had no idea what time it was. I felt empty without my phone. Before work tomorrow, I would stop by the Sprint store and get a new iPhone.

The dark sky was calming. A cool breeze flew by as I watched a car pull up. It was Joey. He parks beside my car and heads towards me.

Joey: You're here alone?

Mariella: Yeah. Closing up by myself was my punishment for being 21 minutes late coming back.

Joey: Ah, I see.

He plops down beside, extending his legs out.

Joey: So, how are you doing?

Mariella: I'm okay.

"Really, I wasn't."

Mariella: How are things between you and Meghan?

Joey: I don't know. She hasn't come home.

"He calls her apartment, home?"

Mariella: She's probably just out hating herself for slapping you. I'm sure things will be okay.

Joey: I don't know, maybe. We've been going through a rough patch lately.

Mariella: Oh?

Joey: She's been paranoid about everything. She has to know my every move.

Mariella: You don't have to put up with that.

He looks over at me.

Joey: I know. I'm not sure how much longer our relationship is going to last. I'm not happy. I'm sure she's not either.

I gaze at him as he stares off into the distance. There's a moment of utter silence, before he looks over at me again.

Joey: So, what did you want to talk about?

"This was the hard part."

Mariella: It's about Sawyer.

Joey: What about him?

I place my hand over my forehead, feeling tears build up.

Joey: What is it, Mariella?

Mariella: H-he's abusing his pain killers.

He looks away, shaking his head.

Joey: How do you know?

Mariella: I went over to his apartment yesterday and found 2 bottles of OxyContin. He couldn't even keep his eyes open or concentrate on what I was saying. He was so out of it..

I held back my tears. I needed to be strong.

Mariella: You're the only person that knows how to deal with this. You can help-...

Joey: Why should I?

He tones was harsh.

Mariella: Joey-..

Joey: Why should I do this for him, again?! All I got was hell in return! No, "thank you Joey for saving my life". No, "I'm sorry for being such an ass". I'm not going to be the bad guy this time.

Mariella: Joey, he needs us. He needs you. He can't fight this alone.

Joey: I've done my part as his friend.

Mariella: I know, Sawyer hasn't proven himself in the past, but that was before. This is now. I know you still care about him. I know you don't want to see him die.

Joey: He doesn't want anything to do with me. He doesn't want my help.

Mariella: Sawyer's not in his right mind right now. Who knows how long this has been going on for. Deep down, Sawyer is pleading for someone to lead him down the straight and narrow. What better way to redeem himself, than for you to show him that you give a shit about his life.

He stays quiet. I place my hand on top if his.

Mariella: If you do this for him again, I'm sure the outcome will be very rewarding. I believe he'll see you in a different light this time around.

He removes my hand from his and stands up.

"What is he doing?"

Joey: I hope you're right.

He looks down at me. I grin, my eyes filled with water.

Joey: I'm not doing this for him. I'm doing this for you. I can't bare to see you cry.

I lightly chuckle, quickly wiping away a stray tear.

Mariella: Sorry..

He smirks, extending a hand out to me. I grab ahold as he boosts me up. In mid air, my stomach jolts.

Mariella: Ow!

Joey: Are you okay?

He pulls me close, making my stomach knot in excruciating pain.

Mariella: Ow, y-yeah. Just don't pull me so hard. My stomach just hurts from where Meghan kneed me.

Joey: What? Let me see.

Mariella: It's okay, Joey. It's probably just bruised a little.

I lift up my shirt. I can already tell I was wrong. Joey gasps. I look down at the huge, almost circular, black and blue bruise surrounding the middle of my stomach. He touches part of it with the tip of his index finger. It sends shivers up and down my body. Not because it hurt, but because of his warm touch.

Joey: I can't believe she did this to you..

I let go of my shirt as it drops back into place.

Mariella: It'll go away. I'll be fine.

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