Chapter 32: Tell me.

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Standing in front of Sawyer's apartment was very nerve-wracking. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. As the door creaks open, my heart sunk into my stomach.

Sawyer: Mariella? Hey. What are you doing here?

My grin falls.

Mariella: I-... Umm...

I couldn't articulate words. I just wanted to turn around and leave. He sighs heavily.

Sawyer: Come in..

I walk past him, halting in the middle of the living room. Just talk to him.

Mariella: W-why did you kick Joey out?

He heads straight for the couch, sitting down.

Sawyer: So, that's why you're here.

He had an annoyed expression on his face.

Mariella: You know he's helped-...

Sawyer: Shut up.

"Excuse me?"

Mariella: What? Sawyer-..?

Sawyer: Just stop!

He covers his face with his hands. His leg starts to shake, uncontrollably. I felt scared.

Mariella: S-Sawyer.. I-..

He jolts up from the couch, startling me.

Sawyer: You don't know anything! Don't come here and defend him when you don't know the whole story!

Mariella: I'm not defending him.

Sawyer: You are! What he told you, was not for him to tell!

I gaze up at him, defenseless.

Mariella: I know.. I'm sorry I didn't come to you first, after he-..

Sawyer: Don't say you're sorry! Just stop looking at me differently.

He intently gazes down at me.

Mariella: I'm not looking at you differently..

His face softens.

Sawyer: I can tell in your eyes. You see a different person now.

He averts his eyes from mine. I stand up, grasping onto his arm.

Mariella: That's not true!

He forcefully pulls away.

Sawyer: Than, tell me what you see!

His eyes were red and glossy. I couldn't help, but feel tears coming on myself.

Mariella: I see a sweet and kind person, who is misunderstood. I see someone who thinks of others and cares more about them than himself. I see someone who is successful and loves ever minute of what he does. I see you and nothing else.

He steps forward.

Sawyer: Are you sure that's what you see?

I slowly nod, blinking rapidly to clear the forming tears away. It felt as if time was standing still. The outside world was in slow motion. He walks over to me, leaning down, softly pressing him lips against mine. I was shocked, but happy. I close my eyes as I felt a small tear stream down my cheek. Our lips move in sync. We pull apart as he laid his forehead on mine.

Sawyer: I'm sorry for doing that, if this isn't what you want.

I shake my head.

Mariella: No. It was nice.

He grins, holding my hands.

Sawyer: Let me tell you about the real me.

We sit down on the couch and he tells me every little detail about his past. He told me everything about Veronica and him, about the drug use, about his time in rehab and even about his YouTube career. Nothing was left out.

Mariella: Now that I know. What about Joey?

He looks down, frowning.

Sawyer: I want to trust him, but I don't understand why he would do that to me. I can't let him come back, or even be friends, if I'm unsure.

I just agree.

Mariella: I understand.

I don't want them to have a broken friendship. They both have done so much for each other to just end it over this. There has to be something..

I didn't realize I was spacing out, till Sawyer rose my chin up with his thumb.

Sawyer: Don't be sad.

I smile, nodding.

"Things will work out."

I lean in kissing him, once more. His tongue brushes over my bottom lip, intensifying things. My stomach was filled with joy and butterflies. I then, truly understood my feelings towards Sawyer.

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