Chapter 47: That bad?!

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Hitch was extremely excited when Sawyer crutches through the door.

Sawyer: Hey buddy!

Hitch began barking, running around him in circles. I know I've already said this, but I'm going to say it again.. They are too damn cute! Sawyer made his way to the couch and sat. Hitch immediately dove into his lap.

Mariella: You need us to do anything before we go?

He whips his head in my direction.

Sawyer: Aww, you're leaving?

Mariella: Tomorrow is Tuesday. I need to pack for Vidcon.

He grabs his forehead.

Sawyer: Right! Shit. I completely forgot.

Tyler: You're still going, right?

Sawyer: Of course! A broken leg won't stop me. I don't want to disappoint the fans.

I smile, walking over, petting Hitch and giving Sawyer a quick peck on the cheek.

Mariella: If you need anything, call me.

I start to move away, but Sawyer grabs my hand.

Sawyer: You forgot something..

I turn to face him.

Mariella: Wh-...?

His lips crash into mine. My heart starts to beat, rapidly. I adore kissing him. I could feel his tongue brush over my lower lip. I slightly open my mouth, allowing entry. My negative thoughts flew out the window as we passionately kiss.

Tyler: Uhh-humm.. I'm still here.

I pull away, slowly. I look to Tyler, giggling, than back at Sawyer. He whispers sweet nothings, his warm breath crossing my lips.

Sawyer: I love you.

My heart stops as I look into his eyes, surprised. We had already told one another that we "loved" each other. But, I never thought he would initiate first. I guess this mean't things would eventually change. I lean forward, cup my hand over his ear, replying a whisper in return.

Mariella: I love you too.

I walk over to Tyler. He has a smug look on his face.

Mariella: Aha, what?

He shakes his head.

Tyler: Nothing.. Sawyer, I'll see you Wednesday morning.

Sawyer salutes, as we exit his apartment.

Tyler: Girl.. If I wouldn't have said anything in there, I'm sure you two would be doing it right on the floor with me still in the room.

Mariella: It wasn't that bad?!

He looks over, rolling his eyes.

I chuckle, getting into the passengers side.




Veronica: How's Sawyer?

I plop down onto the couch.

Mariella: He's fine. He broke his leg. He's at home now though.

Veronica: How did he do that?

Mariella: Playing football on the beach.

Veronica: With Evan?

Evan? Didn't he mention an "Evan"?

Mariella: Yeah.

Veronica: I knew it.

Mariella: You know him?

Veronica: They've been friends for awhile. I met him when I was-...

She pauses.

Mariella: With him?

She nods. I start to wonder..

Mariella: Can I ask you a question?

Veronica: I'm afraid of what you're going to ask.

Mariella: Don't be. I was just thinking.. Did you and Sawyer officially date?

Veronica: Why are you asking?

Mariella: Because, he did have a girlfriend at the time when you two 'hooked up'.

She looks away.

Veronica: No. I was just the other woman. When she broke it off, I thought I had taken her place. But, I was wrong.

I can tell she still seems to be hurt by it.

Mariella: But! Now you have Luke.

She grins.

Veronica: Yeah.

Mariella: Well, I'm off to bed.

Veronica: Oh! Your clothes are in the dryer.

Mariella: Thanks.

I walk to the dryer and grab everything out. I slowly maneuver my way into my room and drop everything onto the bed. I begin folding, when my phone goes off in my pocket.

Mariella: Hello?

?: Hey. It's me..

I take the phone away from my ear, checking the Caller ID.

Mariella: Why are you calling me?

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