Chapter 86: Holiday.

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Mom: Are you two coming home for Thanksgiving?

Mariella: Mom, you know I'd love too, but I can't. I have to work.

Mom: Can't you ask to get a week off to see your family??

"If only she knew."

Mariella: I already told my manager to schedule me all this week. You know I'm trying to save up to get my own car.

Mom: I know. I just expected both my daughters to come home.

The tone of her voice sounded so defeated.

Mariella: I'm sorry, mom. I'll fly back for Christmas. For now, you'll have Veronica.

Mom: At least one of you will be here. When is her flight?

Mariella: Tomorrow night.

Mom: Alright well, call me when you drop her off at the airport.

Mariella: I will.

Mom: I love you.

Mariella: Love you too.

We say our goodbyes and hang up. I toss my phone onto Veronica's bed.

Veronica: How'd she sound?

Mariella: She's not happy, but I hope she understands.

Veronica folds her shirts and places them inside her suitcase.

Veronica: I'm sure she understands. You know how she is durning the holiday's.

Mariella: Yeah, but she has a way of making me feel like the bad guy.

Veronica: Don't worry. You told her you'll be there Christmas. Besides, maybe by then, you'll have someone you can take home to introduce her too.

I roll my eyes, playfully.

Mariella: Don't worry about my love life, just focus on yours.

Veronica: I am! Going home will take my mind off of Luke being gone. And, I don't want to be the only one bringing a plus one for Christmas.

Mariella: How do you know he's not going home for Christmas??

Veronica: We've talked about it. After he finishes his music, he's going home for Thanksgiving. Leaving me, Christmas.

I nod, surprised. Veronica zips up her suitcase, lowering it down onto the floor.

Veronica: Well, that's done.

She plops onto the bed, crossing her legs.

Veronica: So, how are you doing? Did you tell mom about the brawl you were in?

Mariella: I'm fine. The bruising has gone down a bit and I had no intentions of telling her. She'll just worry to death.

Veronica: Do you even tell her anything that's going on with you?

Mariella: Some, not all..

She smirks.

Veronica: I haven't really gotten around to asking you this but, are you staying here permanently? Your few months of testing LA out, have flown by.

Mariella: I haven't really thought about it. So much has gone on.

I was only going to stay here for a few months, but this place has kind of become like a home to me. I'd truly miss it, if I decided to move back to Georgia.

Veronica: Well, even though a lot of highs and lows have gone on, I'd be sad if you decided to go.

I grin at her honesty.

Mariella: Lets not start getting all sappy here. What time is your flight tomorrow night?

She grabs her phone checking the Delta app.

Veronica: The plane doesn't board till 10:45, so just be home once your shift ends.

I nod, grabbing my phone before getting up.

Veronica: Oh! One more thing..

Mariella: What?

Veronica: Did you ever see the Tweets Jc sent out about the whole picture fiasco??


Mariella: No. I didn't know he posted anything about it.

She taps her screen as twitter pops up.

Veronica: Here.

I take her phone, gazing at the screen.

@jccaylen: Everyone who has seen the pictures of me and this girl, just know that we are friends and it is not @missbeautyv

@jccaylen: Some of you have your opinions on who it may be, but I am not going to reveal who she really is. I don't want her to receive unnecessary hate.

@jccaylen: I just want you to know, that she is a great girl and an even better friend. I'm glad to have met her and I wish her the best in her decisions.

I hand the phone back to her.

Veronica: What do you think?

Mariella: I'm glad he cleared things up.

She raises an eyebrow.

Veronica: That's it? You know what this means, right?

Mariella: No. I don't know what it means..

Veronica: He has feelings for you.

Mariella: No. He's just being, Jc.

Veronica: Whatever. I won't push his love on you.

Mariella: Shut up! There's no love! Goodnight.

She chuckles.

Veronica: Night.

I walk out, closing her door. I enter my room, looking down at my phone in my hand. A smile creeps up on my face as I squeeze it tightly.

Mariella: Thanks, Jc..

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