Chapter 42: Think you're special?

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I awoke to Veronica huddled against me. My body was on fire! My shirt drenched in sweat. I quietly get up grabbing my belongings. I tip-toe out of her room and into mine.

My phone was completely dead. I plug it in as I peel off my soggy clothing. I hop in the shower and let the cold water cool me down. I didn't feel too bad this morning, but I knew my fever had returned. I turn the water off, wrapping a towel around me. I took one quick look in the mirror and that was enough! I looked like a ghost. Pale face and droopy eyes.

I dried off, changing into a tank top and shorts. I started rummaging through a small plastic bag. I pull out the box of Tylenol Sawyer had bought me. I crack a smile thinking of him. I took the pills with water from the sink and crawl in bed. I check my phone, one voicemail.

Hey Mariella, it's Claire. Hope you're feeling better. Just wanted to let you know that your shifts are taken care of. The manager hired a new employee and you don't have to come back till next Saturday. Have a nice break and rest up.

A new employee? Already? I had a bad feeling I was being replaced, even though she told me when to come back. I shook it off realizing Vidcon would be soon. I sigh in relief, thanking god that I didn't have to ask for days off.

I set my phone aside, turning over.

Vidcon. I was excited about going. It would be my first time going to any 'Con'. But, now that I think about it. I'm nervous about going. Joey and Sawyer are on the outs. I'll get to meet Luke, but Sawyer hates him. And, I really don't want to run into Meghan.

On the other hand, I'll get to meet so many Youtubers! I can't just think about the negative. Like Tyler said, If everyone is civil, things will be okay. Right? As my mind raced, I felt my temperature rise. I flung the covers off and stood on the bed, clicking my fan on. I set it on the highest speed and plop back down.

I need to stop worrying, for now. It's not helping me get any better. I close my eyes thinking of other things for the time being.




My eyes creep open as I heard my phone go off. I grin knowing it would be Sawyer.

Mariella: Hey you..

?: Hey!!

My eyes widen. That was a girls voice.

Meghan: I heard about what happened. Are you okay?

It's her.

Mariella: Meghan.. Hey. Yeah, I'm fine. How did you find out?

Meghan: I felt bad about our conversation the other day, so I wanted to come and see you at the Cafe. I asked for you and one of the employees told me about your incident.

She felt bad? Really? And, why is she calling it an "incident"?

Mariella: Oh. Well, I don't go back to work till next Saturday.

Meghan: Right! You're going to Vidcon this Wednesday?

It's Wednesday?! Today is Sunday. Am I going to recover in time to go?

Mariella: Yeah.

Meghan: Well get better! Can't wait to see you then!

She wants to see me?

Mariella: Alright, bye.

Meghan: Oh Mariella! One more thing..

I faintly sigh.

Mariella: Yes?

Meghan: Sawyer doesn't love you. He says that to all the girls just to get in their pants. Don't think you're special.


Mariella: Wha-...?

The lines goes dead. I hang up. Really? What was that about? I set my phone on the bed, just staring at it.

Why would she say that? That can't be true.. Could it?

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