Chapter 7: Whose Birthday?

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After the cab came and picked up Sawyer, I sat at the table, inhaling my nachos. I was starving! Once I finished, I turn off all the lights in the living room and went to check on Veronica. I peek into her bedroom. She was still asleep. I debate whether or not to change her into pajamas but.. It seemed like too much of a hassle, so I shrug it off and went to my room.

It was almost 11 and I wasn't even tired, what so ever. Since I had taken that long nap, I knew my sleep schedule would be more chaotic than it already was.

So, I decide to finally unpack everything. For sure this time. No interruptions!

I place the remaining clothes and shoes inside my closet, filling my drawers with pajamas, socks and all the necessities.

I was finally settled in and the place felt much homier. It was already 12:30, so I took out my headphones, plug them into my phone and start listening to music as I lay in bed. Forcing myself to try and fall asleep.




The next morning, I awoke to my phone ringing. I groggily answer the call.

Mariella: H-hello..

Man: Hi, is this Mariella Hernandez?

I quietly yawn.

Mariella: This is she.

Man: I'm calling in reference to your application you submitted to the Cafe. I wanted to let you know that the Manager has asked for you to come in Monday morning at 10AM for an interview.

My heart was pounding! I was wide awake now. I couldn't believe I got an interview!

I shriek on the inside, but properly compose myself on the outside.

Mariella: Thank you. I appreciate you calling. I will be there on Monday.

Man: You're welcome, see you then. Goodbye.

I hung up the phone, sighing in relief. I was excited, but nervous. I wasn't too fond of interviews, but I needed this job. So, I was going to do the best I can.

I check the time on my phone, 9:40. Ugh! It was a little better than yesterday, but still quite early. I wasn't going to let it ruin my mood though.

I hop out of bed and jump in the shower. I change into a shirt that went off the shoulder and a pair of shorts from Urban Outfitters. I put my hair up in a towel as my phone went off.

[Sawyer]- Hey Mariella, saw the Cotton Ball Challenge video and you two were hilarious! Of course, Tyler and I did a better job, but still funny!

[Mariella]- Well, thanks.. I had a feeling you would say that.

[Sawyer]- Haha, so how's V this morning?

That's right! I forgot all about her. Was she even up?

I open my door, phone in hand to check on her. She was still in the same position from last night, slightly snoring. I reply back, shaking my head.

[Mariella]- Still asleep. She's going to have a horrible hangover when she gets up.

[Sawyer]- Definitely! So, I also wanted to ask if you and V wanted to come to a birthday party tonight?

[Mariella]- I'll have to ask Veronica when she gets up, but I'll go. Whose Birthday is it anyway?

[Sawyer]- Another Youtuber, Shane Dawson.

No way! I was just invited to Shane Dawson's birthday? I love him! He was one of the first people I started watching on YouTube.

[Mariella]- Oh, I've seen his videos. He's hilarious! I love his Paris Hilton impression.

I chuckle just thinking about it.

[Sawyer]- Yeah, he's great! Well, let me know how V feels and I'll drop by around 8.

[Mariella]- Alright! Also, I got a call this morning and I have an interview with the manager at the Cafe on Monday! Thought you should be the first to know, since you found the job for me.

[Sawyer]- That's great! We have even more to celebrate tonight!

[Mariella]- Haha, I don't want to take away from Shane's birthday, but thanks.

We end up texting back and forth for awhile, until Veronica barges into my room, falling face first onto my bed.

Veronica: I have such a headache!

I roll my eyes.

Mariella: I wonder why? Where did you go last night anyway?

Lets see if she'll tell the truth.

Veronica: I went to Sawyer's. Isn't he the one that brought me home??

Well, that plan backfired.

Mariella: Yeah, he did. I was just testing you to see if you remembered anything.

She flips over on her back, putting her hands on her face.

Veronica: Do you have any aspirin?

I walk to my bathroom and rummage through the medicine cabinet. I come back out, placing the bottle of aspirin on the bed.

Mariella: You should probably eat something before you-...

Veronica: Sawyer brought home the Taco Bell, right?!

I nod as she bolts out the room, pill bottle in hand. I chuckle, getting up and following her. She was already heating up her quesadilla as I sat down at the table.

Mariella: Sawyer texted me and invited us to go with him to Shane Dawson's Birthday Party tonight.

Veronica: Oh, sounds fun!

Mariella: Are you going to be okay to go?

Veronica: Of course! A hangover isn't going to stop me from going to a party.

She sets her steaming quesadilla down on the table and takes a seat beside me.

Mariella: Also, I got a call this morning from the Cafe and I have an interview on Monday with the manager.

She takes a bite of her quesadilla, looking at me with gleaming eyes.

Veronica: Really?! That's great! I knew they would choose you for the job!

Mariella: I don't have the job yet...

Veronica: Come on, Mariella! They don't call you in for an interview just to tell you, you don't get the job..

She was kind of right, but you never know. After Veronica ate, we pass the time by watching Netflix till it was time to get ready.

Veronica did my make-up after she finish with hers. I mean, she is a beauty guru! I have to take advantage of it! It's not like I don't know how to do my own make-up. I do a decent job. I just rather her do it, so I can focus on curling my hair.

30 minutes later we were ready, waiting on Sawyer. I had butterflies in my stomach as I heard a car horn from outside.

Veronica: He's here!

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