Chapter 73: Familiar.

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I was a little concerned about leaving Veronica. She was still moping on the couch. No tears, but major sulking.

I had no choice though. It was my first day back to work in over a week.

Veronica was just sitting there, letting the time pass by. I had the urge to call Luke, while I was getting dressed. I knew I shouldn't, so I pushed those thoughts aside and applied my make-up. Once I finished, I checked the time, 12:38. I closed my bedroom door and walked to the kitchen, grabbing the car keys. I glance into the living.

Mariella: I'm leaving.

Veronica: Okay..

She didn't even bother looking at me.

Mariella: Are you going to be alright?

Veronica: Yeah..

Her tone was low and not very reassuring. I said nothing more and walk out. I skip down the stairs and head towards the car. Once inside, I take out my phone and dial a number. It rang 3 times.

Tyler: Hello?

Mariella: Hey! I have a huge favor to ask you..

Tyler: What's up??

Mariella: Do you think you could drop by the apartment later and check on Veronica for me?

Tyler: Uhh, Sure. But, what's wrong?

Mariella: Luke's leaving for a month and Veronica is devastated. She won't quit sulking on the couch. I've tried talking to her, but it didn't seem to help.

Tyler: I see. I'll be there, don't worry.

Mariella: Thanks! Just tell her you decided to drop by. Mention nothing of our conversation.

Tyler: Aha, okay.

Mariella: Alright, I'll be at work then.

Tyler: Later, girl.

Mariella: Bye.

I drop my phone into my lap, sticking the key into the ignition. I pull out of the parking lot, making my way to the Cafe.




Claire: Welcome back.

She was standing behind the counter, pouring a cup of coffee as I walked in.

Mariella: Hey. Glad to be back.

Claire: Good, because I certainly missed you. I was worried after you fainted.

Mariella: Well, I'm alright now. I just over exerted myself since I was coming down with a cold.

Claire: Did that guy take you to the hospital? I wanted to call 911, but he insisted on taking you.

I frown as she asked about Sawyer.

Mariella: No. He let me rest up at his place.

He took good care of me though.

Claire: Oh, is he a doctor?

I chuckle at the comment.

Mariella: Not at all. But, I'm cured.

She grins, drying off a cup with a rag. I walk to the back of the kitchen and clock in. I slip my green apron over my head and tie it in the back.  As I began to walk out. I noticed the Manager's door was wide open. I took a peak inside, empty. I sigh, heading to the front.

I wanted to speak to him about my hours. I also wanted to know if I wasn't the only one getting cut back. Claire was holding two dirty plates in one hand as she walked around to the back of the counter.

Mariella: Is Angie not working today?

Claire: The manager put her on probation.

Probation? What happened while I was gone?

Mariella: What did she do?

Claire: The answer is "what didn't she do". Probation is just another way of not firing her.

Angie is really lucky that her uncle is the manager. He just keeps giving her chance after chance. I'm glad I was gone to miss her shenanigans.

Claire: That's why he hired the new guy. We needed more staff.

Mariella: So, is he gone when Angie gets back?

Claire: That was the deal. But, now it seems like he's a permanent employee. The manager has taken a real liking to him.

He's that great?

Claire: Speaking of the new guy.. He's over there taking an order.

She points to a tall guy who has his back turned to us, wearing an apron. His hair was medium length and some of the ends were standing up. He had a good amount of muscle and when he turned his head to the side, you could see a little bit of facial hair. He wasn't a bad looking guy, easy on the eyes. But, I'm sure there's not many unattractive men in LA. So far, it's been one cute guy after another. He places his pen and pad into the front pocket of his apron. He walks over to a nearby empty table and cleans it off.

Claire: Evan!

He turns his head in her direction as he picks up leftover plates and silverware.

Evan? Why does that name sound so familiar? He makes his way over holding dirty dishes in both hands.

Claire: Evan this is Mariella. The waitress I told you that was coming back today.

His face wasn't familiar. But, I've heard his name before. Somewhere?

Claire: Mariella, this is the new guy, Evan.

Mariella: Nice to meet you.

He places the plates on top of the counter and rubs his hands on his apron. He extends his right arm out, giving me a questionable grin.

Evan: Nice to meet you too.

I shake his hand, still having no idea why his name rang a bell.

Evan: You said your name was Mariella?

Mariella: Yes.

Evan: You were Sawyer's girl.

Were? What does that mean?

Mariella: Well, we weren't really dating..

Evan: Oh, I know.

He knows? What the hell? Something then clicked. He was with Sawyer at the beach the day he broke his leg.

Mariella: You're the "Evan" from the beach?

He smirks.

Evan: Yeah. I look forward to working with you.

He's freaking me out.

Evan: So, you and Joey still on the outs?

Why does he look so happy saying that? How does he even know about that?

Mariella: No, we're okay now.

Evan: Sawyer told me that might happen.

Mariella: Why would he say that?

Evan: We were just talking yesterday.

Mariella: You went to his place?

Evan: You mean, 'our' place..

Mariella: "Our" place?

Evan: Yeah. I moved in with him.

How? What about Joey?

Evan: Anyway, if you see Joey tell him thanks for the room.

He winks, walking off. Who is this guy?!

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