Chapter 49: Autograph? Mine?

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Veronica: Ready?!

I slip into the passengers side, mumbling softly.

Mariella: Yeah..

Today was the start of Vidcon. Every well-known Youtuber around the world would be showing up. We'll be staying in Anaheim, California till Saturday. I was happy, but also sad. Things with Joey took a turn for the worst and I couldn't help but feel depressed.

I looked out the window as we sped down the highway, sighing heavily.

Veronica: You're still thinking about that?

That night, after I received Meghan's vicious text. I ended up bawling more than I wanted too and Veronica coincidentally showed up. I told her everything and showed her the text. She was sympathetic, but quick to say "I told you so".

Mariella: How can I not think about it..

Veronica: I know it's hard, but you need to cheer up. This is your first Vidcon! You can't let something like this, ruin it.

Mariella: I know.

Veronica: Look, just stay clear of Joey and his psycho girlfriend and things will be okay.

Mariella: I guess..

We continue driving, in silence, until both our phones went off in unison.

Veronica: Can you check that for me.

I grab her phone out of her lap. It was an e-mail.

Mariella: It's the schedule for Vidcon.

Veronica: Well? What's going on?

I scroll through signings, panels and came across something.

Mariella: Umm..?

Veronica: What's wrong?

Mariella: It says on Friday, you and I will be in a group panel.

Veronica: Really? Great!

Mariella: But, I'm not a YouTuber.

Veronica: So? Maybe the fans want to see you, since you've been in a lot of video's recently.

"They want to see me?" But, why? I was only in two videos of Veronica's. Plus, Joey's daily vlog and Shane's birthday vlog. That's it.

Mariella: I don't think-...

Veronica: Mariella, relax. You'll be great.

I've never been in front of a huge crowd. What if I freeze up? What if I trip? What if I fall off the stage?!

Veronica: Anything else?

I snap out of my mini panic attack and continuing scrolling. I stop, slowly facing Veronica.

Veronica: Are we in another panel?

Mariella: No.

Veronica: Then what?

Mariella: Joey, Sawyer and Luke are in a group panel together.

Her smile fades, but than quickly reappears.

Veronica: So?

Mariella: So.. Don't you think that won't turn out well?

Veronica: Stop being so negative. It'll be fine.

Deep down, I know she's freaking out. I continue reading the e-mail seeing names of numerous Youtubers that I know. My heart beat hard with excitement. I set her phone down onto my lap and pick up mine.

Three new text messages.

[Tyler]- Hey girl! Sawyer and I are on our way to Vidcon. Can't wait to see you two at the hotel!! :)

[Shane]- Hey, girl hey! I just saw that you're in a panel on Friday. You'll do great! But don't worry, I shit my pants on my first panel. So don't be nervous ;))

[Lisa]- Mariella! I know it's been awhile, but we're in the same panel together on Friday?! Can't wait! :D

I grin, replying back.




Veronica: We're here!

She pulls into the parking lot of this massive building. The Anaheim convention center. I couldn't believe we made it! We get out walking towards the entrance.

Mariella: What are we doing here? Everything doesn't start till tomorrow morning.

Veronica: We can't show up tomorrow without our signed name tags.

We get inside and the place was huge! I follow behind Veronica, because she obviously knew where she was going.

Veronica: Wait here.

She walks off, leaving me alone. A few people here and there pass by. Out of no where I heard screaming. I turn and notice two girls racing towards me. I was confused.

Girl 1: You're Mariella! MissBeautyV's sister?!

So their fans of Veronica's.

Mariella: I am.

Girl 2: Can we get your autograph?!

Girl1: Yes, please!


I grin, taking the pen and pad from the first girl and signing. I hand back her pad, tuning to the other girl.

Veronica: I'm gone 2 minutes and you're already signing autographs??

I chuckle.

Mariella: They just noticed me from your channel.

Girl 2: Actually, I saw you on Shane Dawson's channel. Your dare to kiss Sawyer was cute!

Girl: Yeah, I ship 'Mayer'!

"Mayer?" We have a ship name?

I blush, passing the pen to Veronica.

Mariella: Here. I'm sure they want yours as well.

She smirks. Obviously, she noticed the shade of pink filling my cheeks.

Veronica: Hold these.

She places both tags in my hand.

I read the front: "Vidcon 2013"

Who do you Love? | Joey Graceffa&Sawyer HartmanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora