Chapter 79: Wonder.

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I enter the front door, softly closing it behind me. I slide down the door, landing hard. I pull out my destroyed phone from my pocket and just dial. It rang, continuously.

Mariella: Come on, pick up..

"Hey, sorry I missed your call-..."

I hung up and redial.

Mariella: Please, answer.

"Hey, sorry I missed your call. Leave a message and I'll get back to you."


Mariella: Joey, it's me. I really need to talk to you. It's important. Please, meet me at 'The Grove' tomorrow at 5. Bye.

I hang up, throwing my phone. It slides halfway down the hallway.

Tyler: Mariella??

He pokes his head out of Veronica's doorway.

"Shit, I forget he was going to be here."

Tyler: What's going on??

He steps out, looking down at the object close to his feet. He bends down and picks it up, examining the damage.

Tyler: What happened to your phone?

I stay quiet as he walks towards me. He takes a seat beside me, handing over the phone.

Tyler: Mariella...

I take it from him.

Mariella: I dropped it.

Tyler: From where? A rooftop?

I rest my head on the back of the door, turning in his direction. Tears filling my eyes.

Tyler: What's going on?

I turn my head.

Mariella: I can't tell you.

Tyler: Why not?

I had no valid reason. I just felt I needed to keep this to myself.

Mariella: I just can't.. Please, don't make me..

Tyler: I can't help you if-...

Mariella: I don't need your help!

He was shocked by my reaction. I didn't mean to come off rude. I get up, walking halfway down the hallway before turning.

Mariella: You can go home now..

He just stares at me, before slowly getting off the floor.

"I'm sorry, Tyler."

I watch as he grabs his things off the couch and leaves, without looking or saying another word. I felt bad, but it needed to be done. Tyler would continue to be persistent and I knew I would break at some point. This secret needs to be kept locked up, until I hear from Joey. He's the only one that's been through this before with Sawyer.

I creep into Veronica's room. She was laying on her side, watching tv.

Veronica: What's with all the yelling?

I take a seat on the edge of her bed.

Mariella: Nothing. Tyler just had to go.

Veronica: Did you two get into an argument?

I shake my head, lightly patting her forearm.

Mariella: No, everything's fine. How are you feeling?

She sighs, propping her head up with her hand.

Veronica: I'm okay.

Mariella: That's good.

My phone begins to ring. I look down at the caller ID, Jc. I let it go to voicemail.

Veronica: You're not going to get that?

Mariella: It's not important.

"At least, I hope it's not."

Veronica: What happened to your phone?

She picks it up, furrowing her eyebrows. The case was crumbling from its broken edges.

Mariella: It fell out at work.

Veronica: It looks like someone ran over it with a car.

"Rooftops, cars? To think, it only fell out of my pocket when I was pushed out the door."

Mariella: Well, I'm off to bed.

She hands back my phone, laying her head on the pillow. I walk out, cracking her door and opening mine. I flip the light switch and fall onto the bed. I look at my phone, frowning. How much is it going to cost to replace this? I don't even have another case to put on it. I lay my head down on the bed, twiddling my phone around in my hand.

"I wonder what Jc wanted?"

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