Chapter 16: Two of us?

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I slam the car door shut, sighing. I was about to enter a war zone. I trudge up the apartment building stairs. The elevator was still broken. When are they going to get that fixed?

I slid the key into the door and turn the knob. I slowly walk in, it was quiet. Had she left?? She had no car though. I set the car keys on the kitchen table and took my phone out of my back pocket. I needed to reply back to Sawyer.

Veronica: Mariella?!

Her piercing scream scared the hell out of me and I drop my phone. It crashes onto the floor. Thankfully, I had a case that hopefully saved it from any damage. I bent over and quickly scoop it up, checking for any cracks or scratches. I was in the clear.

Mariella: What the hell, Veronica! You scared the shit out of me!

I charge towards her room and swing the door open. She was sitting, cross-legged on her bed, laptop in front of her.

Veronica: Finally! Where have you been? Who were you with?

I ignore her questions.

Mariella: Thanks for congratulating me..

Veronica: Don't avoid my questions. Who were you with for so damn long?

Mariella: Do you even care that I got the job..

Veronica: I'll congratulate you, once you tell me about your "friends".

I was running on a short fuse. I hate when we argue, because the arguments last forever!

Mariella: Fine. After my interview I ran into Joey Graceffa, because he mistook me for you. Than-...

Veronica: You were with Joey? I didn't know he was back from Comic-con..

Thanks for cutting me off.

Mariella: Yeah, anyway. He invited me to 'The Grove' to hang out with him and Meghan. So I went.

Veronica: Meghan? I don't like that girl.

Mariella: Why? She's nice.

Veronica: I have my reasons not to like her. Besides, you better watch out. She has a "crazy thing" for Joey.

Mariella: She does?

I thought they were just good friends. Does he like her?

Mariella: How do you know this?

Veronica: A woman never kisses and tells..

Obviously.. Sneaky little bitch.

Veronica: Things spread quickly in the YouTube Community. That's all I'm going to say.

Mariella: Right. Well, I'm going to take a shower.

I turn towards the door to walk out.

Veronica: Wait, Mariella! One more thing.

I spun around.

Mariella: What?

Veronica: Congratulations on the job.

She grins and starts typing on her laptop. I roll my eyes and exit to my room. Before I shower, I plop down onto my bed and text Sawyer.

[Mariella]- Sorry. Just got home. I start Wednesday :)

[Sawyer]- Congratulations! I told you, you'd get the job ;P

[Mariella]- I know, I know!

[Sawyer]- So, how are things with Veronica?

[Mariella]- She's still mad about me going to your place and "snooping" in you two's business -____-

[Sawyer]- Aha, snooping? She said that? Don't worry, she'll get over it. You were bound to find out anyway.

[Mariella]- Exactly! Things wouldn't be like this if she would have told me in the first place.

[Sawyer]- Just forget about that. Why don't we go out tomorrow night and celebrate you getting the job?

[Mariella]- Aww, that's sweet. I'm down! I'll just have to ask Veronica if she any plans tomorrow night. Who all are you inviting?

[Sawyer]- I was thinking it could be just the two of us. :)

My heart skips beat as I read the message. Just the two of us? Was he serious? I felt my face get warm.

[Mariella]- Are you sure just us?

[Sawyer]- Yeah! I mean, I was an important part in getting you this job. :P

He is serious. This is just a friendly congratulations party, right? It's not a date or anything. Just two friends going out.

No big deal.

[Mariella]- Aha, Okay.

[Sawyer]- Alright. I'll pick you up at 7!

[Mariella]- 7 sounds-....

Wait, no! I delete everything. What about Veronica? I can't let her know I'm going out with Sawyer. By myself. She'll take it as a date and flip out! I know she said she was over him, but if she's still upset about me just going over to his place and talking about the past. Who knows how she'll react about this. I can't handle anymore bitchy Veronica!

[Mariella]- No, it's alright. I'll drive myself!

[Sawyer]- You sure? It's not a problem.

[Mariella]- No, I'm fine driving. Just tell me where to meet you and I'll be there!

He gives me the name of this restaurant and tells me to dress a little formal. Formal? This seems way to much like a date. This place must be expensive, if I have to dress nicer than usual. I just need to breathe and calm down. Sawyer and I are only friends and he's just trying to be nice. Besides, I owe him for helping me find this job.

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