Chapter 4: Don't let me.

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Ikea was huge! It seemed even bigger than the one in Atlanta.

Veronica: Have any idea's on what you want, Mariella?

Mariella: I defiantly want a queen size bed. Maybe, a dresser..

We walk around looking at all the options. The bed was the easiest to find. We decide just to buy the mattress and head board, than run by Target to get sheets.

Tyler: I'm so glad you didn't want a king size bed.

Mariella: Why is that?

Tyler: Because, now Sawyer will be able to carry it all by himself.

Sawyer: What?!

Tyler: I have to carry the Dresser.

I chuckle.

Mariella: Don't worry.. I'll help you with the bed.

Sawyer: Thanks.. At least someone is nice!

I laugh at Sawyer and Tyler bickering back and forth. I manage to find a good size dresser as we went to the counter to pay.

Employee: If you could bring your car around to the front, it would be easier to load everything in.

Tyler took his keys out of his pocket and ran to his car. He pulled infront of the entrance as Sawyer and I carried the mattress outside.

Sawyer: I think we're going to have to strap it on top of the roof.

Mariella: Is that legal?

Sawyer: Of course, as long as it doesn't fall off.

We heaved the mattress up onto the roof. One of the Ikea employees brought us bungee cords to keep the mattress in place. Thank goodness the dresser wasn't too big, so it fit perfectly in the trunk. Veronica took her camera out and pointed it at herself.

Veronica: We just got done at Ikea and I think we did a pretty good job.

She points the camera towards the car.

Sawyer: Yeah.. Tyler was no help though!

Tyler: I was! I brought the car to the front. You should be glad I didn't make you walk to where we were parked!

Veronica: So, were going to run by Target real quick to get some bed sheets, than off to the apartment to unload all this. Hopefully, Sawyer and Mariella can get this mattress up the stairs.

Mariella: Crap! I forgot the elevator is broken!

Sawyer: Seriously?!

Tyler: Have fun with that!

Sawyer: You know you have the Dresser to take up, right?

Tyler: Oh, yeah..

Veronica makes a scared face into the camera, than turns it off.

We rush to Target and look around. It took about 10 minutes to find the right pair of sheets. I went with a plain black, fluffy bed spread and cheetah print sheets and matress cover. We drove to the apartment in a matter of seconds, since Target was close by.

Veronica: I'll go unlock the door, while you two bring the mattress up!

We unhook the bungee cords and slide the mattress down from the roof.

Sawyer: Mariella, you grab the back end and I'll grab the front. Don't let me run into anything, okay!

Mariella: I won't.

We maneuver the mattress through the parking lot and to the stairs.

Mariella: Okay Sawyer, we're about to go up the first set of stairs.

We made it up with ease, no injuries yet! The second set of stairs was a piece of cake also. We made it to the apartment as Veronica directed us through the door.

Veronica: Bring it in at an angle.

Sawyer: Okay..

Veronica: A little lower and more to the left.

Sawyer: OW!!

Mariella: Are you okay?!

Sawyer: Yeah.. Your sister just directed me into the edge of the door!

Veronica: Sorry!

We squeeze into the front door and into my room. We set the mattress down, letting out a breathe.

Mariella: We made it!

Sawyer raised his hand up, signaling a high five. We clap our hands together before plopping down on the unmade mattress.

Tyler took the longest to get up the stairs. When he was finally at the front door, his head and shirt were drenched in sweat.

Veronica: Are you okay?

Tyler: Yeah.. Bringing this thing up two flights of stairs, in this hot ass weather, is hard!

Veronica: I'll get you some water..

We got the dresser into my room and I started putting the sheets on my bed. Tyler and Veronica were sitting on the couch in the living room.

Sawyer: Need some help?

I look up to see Sawyer smiling at me from the doorway.

Mariella: Yeah, Thanks.

We tuck the sheets under the mattress and place the bed spread over them. The room looked nice, so far. All that was left was to unpack my suitcases. But, I had no intentions of doing that tonight. I was exhausted!

Mariella: Thanks for helping out today. I'm sure you had other plans.

Sawyer: Nahh.. I was just sitting at home, thinking of new video ideas. It was no problem.

Veronica and Tyler walked in, as we were talking.

Veronica: Your room looks good!

Sawyer: Yeah, the beds really comfy.

Veronica: You might as well just room with Mariella for the night!

My heart stopped. What?! She has to be kidding!

Sawyer: I couldn't. I'm sure Hitch and my roommate would miss me.

Phew! Wait... He has a roommate?

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