Ch 82. Misunderstanding

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Lol. I don't think I've be writing about death and trick you guys anymore.


"Did you say Chris?!" he panicked. My legs wouldn't hold me up for long as I fell down on the floor with empty eyes. 

It can't be Chris. Someone probably found his phone and just called me for a weird reason.

He grabbed my phone that had gotten a crack on the screen from the fall.

"It's really him." he said which scared me. No. It's not! I don't want to hope! I don't want to get my hopes up, thinking that he really survived. Because I know that I'll just end up getting disappointed.

He pressed the answerbutton and I could faintly hear someone talking.

"Chris?!" he yelled into the phone. "Is that really you?!"

I could hear someone talking.But I kept telling myself that it wasn't Chris. I locked up my ears, forcing me to not listen. Darrén removed my hands and gave me my phone.

"It's him." he said.

It can't be. But I fell for it. May it be a trap, because Chris is alive. I snatched the phone from him.

"Chris!" I cried.

"What's up sis?" he casually greeted me as if nothing happened.

"Don't 'what's up' me! You're alive!"

"Well duh?" he shrugged. I couldn't see him but I knew how clueless he looked.

"Everybody thought that you died in the fire! I even went to the gravestone store!"

"Wow that's awesome sis! Planning already huh? But just so you know, I want a gravestone that says that I'm the best rockstar in the world!"

"Where are you?" I asked him. I wanted to see him.

"Hmm? I'm at a shoot for the movie."

I asked where it was before hanging up without permission. With Darrén after me, I stomped off and left to the location Chris told me about. It was huge and it was a shoot for Chris' profile shot for his "debut" as an actor. I met some staff that I recognised from the movie filming as they greeted me.

"What are you doing here?" Carter asked me when he saw us. I sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me that Chris was with you?!" I snapped to the extent that I grabbed his collar. But it was no use because he got off mygrip easily with a mad face.

"What are you, his mom?"

I'm his sister you idiot! Was something I wanted to yell out but my lips are good at closing them when they get near that subject. But I was also his girlfriend for a while because of a huge misunderstanding. Considering that we've broken up I'd think that we'd not even talk if it was real. Now when I think about it, if Chris wasn't my brother and he was my boyfriend I'd be so annoyed to have to shoot a movie with him.

"Out of my way you donkey." I said and pushed Carter to the side. Darrén stayed with the angry Carter and explained what happened. I came into the shoot and saw Chris standing in front of a camera posing. He was wearing special clothes that I didn't recognise and knew that the stylists had dressed him up.

"Chris!" I yelled. He stopped and grinned when he saw me.

"I have to thank Darrén that he saved you!!" he laughed.

"Why did you disappear to the shoot without telling me?!" He tilted his head with a smile, looking like a puppy.

"I thought that you knew... At first I was all depressed because I thought you died, but Carter forced me so I had to go.And then I saw that you made it in the paper so I was relieved. Before I saw it I was so about to call Darrén!" He scratched his butt mumbling that it was itchy with those clothes.

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