Ch 61. Bad Boy

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IMPORTANT(not that it'll keep you from skipping it...)

How about... IT'S ABOUT THE END OF THE STORY, AND WHEN IT'LL END!(stay and read please then :P)

I actually think I'm kind of amazing right now...(well not in a bragging way okay?). I actually managed to keep it up to 60! Thanks for support, and if it weren't for you guys I'd stop at chapter 20 immediately...

But I got to say that it will end soon... Not as really soon but maybe within 10-20 chapters. Details in the end of the chap :p

But remember to comment and vote so I know I have your support! I don't want to get bored and not let you guys read the end!


I woke up because of something that sounded like bugs. Not really bugs okay but I mean like there's a swarm of something that can't stop saying 'bzzzzt' or something. In this situation I think there were paparazzis swarming outside. I opened the draping in my room and saw hundreds of them. They saw me and flashed all over the building. I quickly closed it.

How did they get the address?! I slowly fell down pressing my back against the wall. They are going to find out. Two big scandals in one week. How awful is that? Very awful. Or rather very very very awful. I'd like to add more very's but I don't have any time to think about something like that.

"Chris!" I yelled and he opened his eyes. His mouth fell down when he saw what was inside the trashcan.

"You threw it for real?!" he cried and tried to grab it but I couldn't concentrate on something like this.

"There are thousands of paparazzis outside!" I told him panicked. His eyes went big and suddenly formed into a smile.

"So they are after me...? They already want an interview with me...? I'm getting soo popular." he bragged.

"I don't know what they are after but they'll definitely find out!"

I threw a glance at the window that was opened and caught a photographer looking right at me. He took some pictures and I closed it as fast as I could. Lucky that my bangs curled up as I was asleep so that they wouldn't know that I was Sarah. How would it become if they thought I was living with Chris? I think the headlines were going to be something like 'Sarah and Chris living together doing it everyday' or something because they don't really need proof to state something. These are paparazzis and they live off embarrassing celebrities.

"No it's fine, they are probably just looking for a scoop about me. There isn't really anything bad with me so let them stay." he said with confidence. I chuckled.

"I get it but still. What if they find out about me then?" I told him. "And I need to go to school now. They'll block the way."

He went to the door and opened. He welcomed the paparazzis with a big fat smile which kind of surprised me.

"Can you please make way for my sister Krystal? She has to go to work." he informed them and surprisingly, they all moved and formed a big way for me. I walked there with all the attention and looked down at the ground, knowing it. I bet they were going to ask me something but caught Chris making faces with them, telling them to stay away from me.

I ran and as soon as I was out of sight I slowed down and walked normally to East Creket. That was the first time the paparazzis saw me(Krystal) and I couldn't stop worrying. What is someone recognised me? If there's a next time what if there's wind that blows up my bangs and they'll know? Maybe I should use a hair clip or something next time.

I grabbed my Krystal phone and texted Chris.

"I owe you one." I sent away and got a slow reply 20 minutes later saying "Buy me candy later then."

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