Ch 52. It Has Begun

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"Can you please help us pack?" Emíne and Ambreal whined over the phone with the speakers on. With me living with the chubby disgusting boy in this room I said yes as soon as possible. You know Carter, we have to live with those who are the same level of importance in the movie. And here I am, with the chubbiest boy in our class that play a role of a fat kid trying to play a hero and throw his ice cream on the robbers.

"Where are you going?" he asked and made it sound squeaky.

"I'm going to help Emíne and Ambreal pack."

"They are so hot!" he stated, trying to sound like the jocks you see at the normal schools. "Can you hook me up with them? Doesn't matter who it is! Anyone would do actually..." he blabbered.

"They're not your material." I answered and ran out. How am I going to survive living with him?! He even asked me if I could help him buy chocolate. Because he can't walk for over ten minutes or he'll drown in his own sweat. That was his own words so don't say I just offended him.

I closed the door and ran to their room, the room that's the farthest. I knocked really hard, not realising that I was desperate to get away from chub boy.

"Come in!" interrupted my thoughts and I marched in.

"There's our pack man!" Emíne smiled. I glared with a friendly kind of face to her so she wouldn't take it in a bad way.

"Anything to get away from Bonbon..." I sighed and headed to the biggest suitcase which was Emíne with all of her model clothes she gets for free from the company she is collaborating with.

"Who's Bonbon?" Ambreal asked.

"That chubby boy... I don't know why but he keeps calling himself that. 'Bonbon has to eat my asthma medicine... Bonbon wants to take a shower but it's too small...' he kept saying such things..." I imitated his voice and they broke out in laughter.

I pulled out a tube dress that was gold, and once I pulled it out there were huge necklaces hanging after and clinging on it so I was scared it would rip apart if I pulled any harder.

"Why are you bringing a party dress to the acting camp?" I said slowly. I had a sneaky tone into it, thinking that she'd do something suspicious.

"Well duh! Anywhere I go there are going to be a party! I'm definitely gonna throw a party the last day to celebrate!"

Well it sounds good actually. I thought she was thinking about something like those wrecked parties where you get drunk as hell and make out with a random person. And I mean person, not guy.

I remembered how Ambreal felt so out before and I had to be nicer and talk to her more.

"So what do you think about the camp then?" I asked Ambreal and it seemed like I got a weird reaction. I forgot that we promised that when I was Krystal.

"I think it's fun..." she said, surprised of the sudden new topic.

"Uh..." I tried breaking the silence. Instead of trying to talk I tried to bring in a comfortable silence. Jag started packing up Emíne's never ending clothes and saw that she brought a teddy. Before I could make a face she already burst out laughing with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry but I love my Brent!" she chuckled, trying to stop laughing with Ambreal.

"I actually have an exact same..." Ambreal said and pulled out a cute teddy that looked exactly like the one I held but in a darker color.

"Children..." I chuckled. That settled down the comfortable silence and I was content.


"Now run 10 laps." Carter demanded. Everyone wasn't really happy with it and just sat there complaining.

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