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Advice Request
This person wants to help their friend who is suffering from mental distress.

Answered Submission
Hi there,

Seeing someone you’re crushing on flirting with other people already hurts, let alone seeing someone you’re in a relationship with do that, especially since your friend is witnessing this when her mental health is not in a good state.

I think the best choice at the moment for your friend would be to end the relationship and stay friends with her partner, or she can choose to move on from the partner completely because at the moment, it’s doing her more harm. It is important for her to take care of her well-being and being with someone that has broken her trust and feelings might not be the best thing for her as it might only hurt her more. Breaking up is painful but it is better than staying in a relationship that hurt you.

Your friend can start focusing on other parts of her life to heal herself and her mental health. She can start a hobby or involve herself in school activities or anything that she might enjoy. Personally, I find engaging myself in school activities made my life better. You guys are young and at your age, or at any age for that matter, it is very important to not let broken relationships with other people bring us down. Someone close to me let it happen to her before and she regretted it so much so I don’t wish it to happen to any other people especially girls like your friend where she still has a bright future waiting for her.

I hope that this will help and I wish you the best of luck! Stay safe if Covid-19 is still spreading in your state!

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