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Advice Request
This person is receiving mixed signals from their significant other.

Answered Submission
Hello, I hope that you're having a good time today.
You've probably already heard about this a lot of times already, but the key to having a good relationship is proper communication. It's cliché advice, I know. But it is so important for us to talk it out whenever we're going through something.

This is to avoid you from bottling up stuff because maybe today, you will think that it's okay to overlook it, but one day, your bottled up feelings will explode and that might make everything worse.

Not replying texts and always cancelling plans are not a good sign in a relationship. I admit it, at one point during this whole Covid-19 pandemic, I began to become bad at replying texts because I felt like it's disturbing my private time to constantly be replying people's texts. Online classes already made me feel like I'm constantly in class so I need a breather from virtually socializing being with other people all the time. So it can be that she's in the same boat as I did. However, back when I used to text with this one person I liked, I would always reply it in a short time in order to make them know that I'm interested in them.

You can try asking her if there's something going on with her life because if she's really interested in you, there might be something else going on in her life that prevents her from going out with you or texting you.

Wishing you the best and please stay safe and practice social distancing whenever you're out in public!

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