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Advice Request
This person keeps thinking about a new friend of theirs.

Answered Submission

It’s normal to be attracted or more interested in new friends than older ones! So, relax a little and take it lightly.

If you don’t want to stop talking to him, you don’t have to. Continue being a friend. If you want to know him better, try sharing your real life, day-to-day small small experiences with him and ask him the same. Ask him what you’re curious about or what you want to know about him. But take it slow and don’t ask offensive questions but if you’re friends, it’s alright to ask personal questions if the other person is alright with it.

As for how you want to stop thinking about him. I’ve had similar experiences too. You often imagine how you might meet him or what you’ll do if you meet him I suppose. Such things are normal for people who tend to imagine a lot.

If you ever think of him again in your daily life, scold yourself a little that it’s impossible to meet right now or don’t be stupid. I don’t mean it in a bad way of course but scold yourself a little and bring yourself back to reality. Busy yourself with other work. Give yourself a few weeks of scolding and you’ll probably stop thinking of him all the time.

Other than that, try to not message him all the time. Of course he’s a friend, so continue talking to him but not all the time, try to keep that line and distance in your mind and control your actions. Try interacting with other friends too, so as to not focus on only one person.

Honestly, it’s not bad to think of him all the time but please do bring yourself back to reality and busy yourself with dramas or novels or studying. As long as you keep your actions in control, you’ll be alright.

Good luck with your friendship. Please take care of yourself!

Thank you,
The Advice Column Team

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