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Advice Request
This person was in a long distance relationship but their parents found out about it. And now they have lost contact with their partner without informing them about the situation.

Answered Submission
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Breakups of any sort can be painful, and I'm sure the added sting of getting in trouble with your parents didn't make it any better for you.

So you're thinking about reaching out to him once you're out of the house. Truthfully, I find myself a little skeptical of online relationships, especially in high school, but ultimately I'm not here to tell you what to do. I am here to give the the best advice I can offer with my given knowledge.

Now, I cannot say whether or not your ex will still feel the same as he did when you were dating after several years have passed, nor can I be certain that you will still feel the same. If you're set on it when the time comes, maybe reach out casually. You can potentially offer an explanation as to why you "ghosted him.” If he wants to continue the conversation, that is between the two of you when the time comes.

So to summarize, give it time, and if you still want to reach out again then by all means, but I think you are right to wait until you're 18. And maybe you'll find that you're pretty much over the whole deal by then, and if so that's perfectly alright. Basically, this isn't something you should worry about for the time being. I hope this helps, love. Always feel free to reach out if you want or need advice!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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