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Advice Request
This person is friends with their friend's ex.

Answered Response


Let's get right into this, shall we? It is absolutely fine to be friends with this boy despite your best friend having broken up with him. You were friends before they dated, stayed friends while they were together, and had nothing to do with why they broke up. You are not being a bad friend to her by staying friends with someone else. Whether they dated or not or how it ended between them has nothing to do with your friendships with either of them. That is between them. I do not think there is anything you need to do about this. It is perfectly okay to be friends with both of them separately. It's not like you're expecting them to hang out together with you at the same time. So just leave it as it is.

Be friends with them because you care about them both, and remind yourself that there is nothing to feel guilty or bad about. I hope this helps, love. If you have anything else feel free to reach out to us!

Stay strong,

The Advice Column Team

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