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Advice Request
This person's friend has been flirting with them and they want to find out if their friend likes them.

Answered Submission

That does sound like it’s a very tempting situation. Here’s what you can do to find out how she feels for you.

First and foremost, ask yourself if you’re interested in her as a potential romantic partner. It’s not so nice to jump into a relationship without even having the slightest romantic feelings towards the other person. So before guessing her feelings for you, find out how you feel for her. If you don’t like her in a romantic manner, tell her that you’re not interested in anyone and that she’s been flirting too much with you. Straight up, no beating around the bush. That’s the quickest way to clear any misunderstandings between you two.

However, if you’re interested in her romantically, here’s what you can do to find out how she feels towards you. First, you can flirt back. Call her words you think are flirty like ‘my love’, ‘darling’, ‘babe’ or others. Try to give her a small present or snack every now and then (not every day though) like a bottle of juice or coffee she likes, or her favorite candy or chocolate. If you’re feeling bold, go for skinship! Make more physical contact by accidentally touching her hand or outright holding her hand is fine too. Just make some excuse like: ‘Oh my gosh, look at the cute cat under that tree!’ and hold her hand and drag her softly to show her the cat.

After a while of such things, don’t ask her so quickly because you don’t want to jump into any conclusions just yet, so after a while of flirting back and forth, ask her if she’s interested in anyone. I think this question is a safe question but also a very clear question. Observe her reaction and see if there is a chance that she’s interested in you. If she says ‘yes’. Whether she asks the question back to you or not, tell her you’re also interested in someone and you think that person likes you back, so you’re waiting for them to confess since you’re too shy. But don’t say that it’s her, keep it playful.

But keep in mind that perhaps she wants you to confess first as well. So if you think it’s time for you to confess, you can confess to her easily. Don’t worry about whether she likes you back or not.

I hope that whatever happens, it works out in your favor. Good luck if she confesses to you.

Thank you,
The Advice Column Team

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