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Advice Request
This person feels that their boyfriend doesn't likes them anymore.

Answered Submission

It’s not uncommon for people to feel like they’re more committed to the relationship than their partner. The advice that your friends give you is not wrong. If you feel like your relationship is not going anywhere and your boyfriend is not cooperating to improve it, then it would be better for you guys to break it off. Hanging on to him in this situation would cause you only pain and disappointment over time. You shouldn’t let your feelings be trampled by other people just because you like them.

However, I also think that it would be good for you to talk to him about how you feel before you ask for a breakup. Chances are that he is unaware of his behavior. He might be oblivious and think he’s already expressing his feelings for you and that he’s already done everything that he can to show you that he likes you. Relationships are all about communicating and talking to your partner directly about any problems instead of hoping that they might catch on to what’s wrong by themselves.

As for your classmate that said that to you as a response to your inside joke, I’m not sure what he really meant with that. If you want, you can ask him about it, but I wouldn’t really think too much about it if I were you.

I hope this helps and I hope everything will turn out okay for you.


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