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Advice Request
This person's friend has been losing their self worth.

Answered Submission

That must be a very hard situation to be in but I’m glad she has you as a friend. Well, the first and most common advice for such a situation would be to gather actual friends like you and maybe someone else that really cares for her, and throw her a party perhaps. If her birthday is soon, you could call it that. But if it isn’t, it’s just meant to be a ‘we-care-for-you party’ and well, friends shouldn’t have reasons to throw parties for each other! That would definitely help get her spirits up even for a few days. Include her family members or your family members if you think that would help her even more.

As for her grades, organize a study group once a week to revise all you’ve learnt the entire week. If you or any of her real friends are good at studying or even average, please help her out. I’m sure that good grades would give her a distraction from bad things and make her realize she can do well at something in life. It could help elevate her self-confidence.

Discuss with her if she wants to go to a therapist. You don’t only go to therapist for mental illness but also if you want someone to talk to. I would suggest she goes to one if she’s old enough (legal age in your country). However, if she’s not old enough, ask her to discuss with her parents.

If people tell her she’s weird and crazy, tell her they’re wrong. Perhaps she likes things that are different from them and there’s nothing wrong with anyone liking what they like. Talk to her about her interests and hobbies even if you don’t like it much. Bear with it so that she can be happy to have a friend that cares or shares similar interests.

As for failing to fall asleep, gift your friend a pack of chamomile tea! Tell her to drink it with honey (if she prefers it sweet) before going to bed. Chamomile tea is good for insomnia. Other than that, she can also put a boring audiobook or lecture on her phone and let it play until she gets tired of it. Classical music could also help. Make sure the volume isn’t too loud.

You can tell her more good advice and show her that you’re genuinely worried about her but not just worried in words—by gifting her chamomile tea or throwing her a party or sharing your lunch with her or making a random handwritten card for her. You’re showing her that you care. Small actions count a lot. Search up more on small things you can do for your friend to strengthen the friendship.

I’m sure your friend can get better. She will, because she has an amazing friend like you.

Good luck!
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