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Advice Request
This person wants to know about whether someone likes them or not.

Answered Submission
I'm sorry about what you've been going through, but it's good that you feel like you're getting better at dealing with it all. It's good to have a positive mindset on things, even if they aren't all that great.

Some boys aren't the most considerate of people, just like the boy at your last homecoming dance and the freshman, but I'm glad you went to the dance. You're moving forward and not letting your negative experiences affect you. This other guy sounds so sweet, it's only natural you'd develop a crush. Even if you guys don't always talk, throughout the time you've liked him he seems to have related to you and been really there for you.

It's not a stupid thought to think you could ever have a chance with someone. You seem like a great girl who needs this happiness in her life. He seems, from what you have told us, to be pretty caring for you, considering all those times you've been upset and he's tried to help. Not all guys would do that.

To become more sure of his feelings, you can definitely try to talk with him more. I know you said you're quite an awkward person, but this guy seems to want to talk to you and get to know you. I think if you guys started hanging out and talking more, you'd be able to get a real sense of his feelings towards you. He might like you now, but he might like you even more if you guys hung out more. You could also simply ask him. This sounds very scary, but there's nothing wrong with discussing your feelings with each other.

Sometimes in life, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Instead of him coming to talk to you all the time, why don't you try to spark some conversations? Ask him how he's been, or if he wants to hang out outside of school. You could be surprised by his answer.

With love,
The Advice Column Team

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