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Advice Request
This person wants to pursue new interests but does not know how to tell their parents.

Answered Submissions

I'm sorry to hear about your recent struggles. Unfortunately, you're in an unavoidably awkward stage of life and it can be difficult to handle at times. But don't worry, we're here to help you!

Firstly, there's nothing wrong with you for starting to like more mature topics and shows. Believe it or not, you're growing up. Now, that's not to say you should go watch Fifty Shades after school. In fact, please don't do that.  I simply mean that it's only natural for your tastes to mature with you as you age. The main problem is that you need to know how to distinguish what is okay for your age, and what's too mature. For example, things with sexual or excessively violent content is probably best to avoid until you're a little older. And that is for your own sake. Ruining your mind with such content earlier on will not make your seem cool or mature. So choose topics less sexual or less violent or have less bad language.

Now, moving on. So you're stressed over other people's opinions. Sweetheart, here are two truths: you're going to like what you're going to like, and people are going to judge you for them. That's just an inevitable fact of life and if you spend all your time worrying over it, you're only going to end up hurting yourself. When you are unapologetically yourself, it's much more freeing than deliberately hiding what you enjoy. Of course, you don't have to scream it from the rooftops either, but it's good to be true to who you are and what you like. There is nothing wrong with self confidence! If someone asks you, you tell them honestly. If no one asks you, you don't have to bring up that topic. That way, you're not lying to others or yourself.

As for your parents, that's an issue between you and them. Ultimately, if they feel the need to put a mature content filter on your devices then that's not something I can help you with, but honestly, it might be a good thing at least for a little while. There are a lot of things out there in the world that are not meant for younger audiences, and just because you have access to it doesn't mean that you should engage in it. Here's the deal. You're growing up. Pretty soon, you're probably going to start outgrowing some of the things you like now that are for a younger demographic. Enjoy them while you can! Watch kid shows, and play PG games, and worry about mature topics later on. I hope this helps! Know that your parents are doing this because they don't want their kid to be a bad person; they want you to be mature and grow beautifully. It's okay to take off the restriction when you're 16 or 17. I've had so many friends who get social media accounts and even a phone on after they've graduated high school. You're young; enjoy those cartoon shows while you can.

Come back if you have any other questions or dilemmas!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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