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Advice Request
This person wants advise on how to move forward with a relationship.

Answers Submission
So you have mutual feelings with this boy who's decently younger than you in regard to your stage in life, and you're not sure whether a relationship is what you want right now because of it. This is quite the situation, isn't it? Though, from what I can tell, you have already come to some form of a decision on the matter. I take it you are here for confirmation of your actions? Or maybe a little guidance. I can certainly help.

Three years (or two and a half if we're being specific) is not a large age difference if we're looking at it generally. When you factor in your youth though, that changes things. So I agree with you in that a relationship is not necessarily the best option right now. Be friends. Stay in each other's lives if you want that (and you said you do, but this is more in future terms), and maybe when you are both older and wiser, and the age difference is no longer the road block it is now you can try merging into something new. But for now, I don't suggest attempting anything bordering on romantic. This means strictly platonic. No romantic relationships or romantic relationships without the title. Be friends. Close friends even, but stay out of romance for the time being.

Now, you need to communicate this to him. Let him know where you stand, and why you feel the way you do on the matter. He cares about you, and values your feelings and opinions. I suggest talking to him over the phone because school is not often the best place for these types of conversations, but by phone I mean phone call. Phone call, video call, it's up to you, but don't do it over text if you can help it.

I hope this helps, love. If you have anything else you'd like advice on don't hesitate to message us!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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