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Advice Request
This person wants help with, how to stop procrastinating.

Answered Submission

When it comes to studying techniques and how to stop procrastinating, it differs for everyone but let’s go through a few ways that might work out for you.

Depending on when the test or exam is, make a schedule. Study at least 5 pages of at least one subject per day. Even just 5 pages are enough if you have a lot of time. Revision should be included in the schedule as well. Homework and assignments should be added too.

If you don’t want to bother with a schedule, try putting on some ‘Study With Me’ video on your laptop and place it in front of you. Add the pressure that people are watching you right now or you’re studying with a friend, so you HAVE to study. Studying under the pressure of someone else’s presence works for a lot of people. Although I wouldn’t recommend a group study with friends because that often distracts people more. If you want, pick friends you don’t think will talk and will actually study and help you with your studies for the group study.

You could also place a timer for every 10 or 15 minutes, so that your phone rings and reminds you to get back to studying in case you were daydreaming without noticing. It’s alright to daydream, don’t scold yourself too much over it, just get back to studying right away! Keep in mind to turn off your wi-fi to keep away from distractions.

People also try watching motivational videos, watching youtube tutorials/studying videos of that subject, cleaning up your desk before starting, writing down notes. Writing down something is a good way to have your full attention on what you’re reading and writing. Try writing down important points or formulas again and again. It really does help because you’re writing it down, reading it in your mind and looking at it.

Since you already do realize that you should study, I’m sure you can do it once you clear up your priority list and sit down to study. Remind yourself of your goals or people you don’t want to disappoint and keep working hard!

Hope this helps. Good luck!
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