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Advice Request
This person is feeling left out because their friends are ignoring them.

Answered Submission
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. That is certainly no fun at all, and I empathise with you greatly. And while I cannot tell you definitively why they are behaving this way towards you, I can give you some advice on what you can do about it.

First off, if these people are your friends, I suggest you try talking to them, or at least one of them. Tell them how you feel, and how they've been making you feel which are often two separate things. Maybe then you will get some answers as to why they have been so cold towards you.

If you are not close to them or if your peaceful confrontation doesn't go as well as one would like, then maybe it's time to find some new people. Start talking to people around you in your classes. Branch out. Put yourself out there. Easier said than done, I know, but we all have to do it at some point or another. It's hard, but just think of the benefits should your efforts be rewarded with victory. Making friends is not always an easy thing to do, but it is important and it is a skill you will need in the "real world" beyond school. If need be, you can ask your teacher to pair you with someone for group projects so that you can have a more one on one attempt at friend-making. The important thing here is your attitude. You have to try your best not to be closed off and be cold the whole time. Be friendly and get to know people.

I hope this helps, darling. Don't hesitate to message us again if you have more questions or need advice!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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