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Advice Request
This person wants to get close to their crush

Answered Submission

It’s nice to hear that you have someone you like, and genuinely liking someone is a great thing even if they might not feel the same way towards you. Now all you can do in such a situation is to continue your efforts even if he is dry. Try to talk about the things you and him are interested in. Try to avoid general small talk, and things like "How was your day?", "Did you do your homework?", etc. Sure, those are great conversation starters but don’t make it the entire point of your conversation. Start with homework and then talk about how bad you are at chemistry or how you want to pursue biology in future. These are examples, you can tell him about your own interests and ask him about his. Send him random pictures of animals that you like, or he likes and then tell him the picture reminded you of him for no reason. Basically, try to start a conversation, not a text.

A thing I keep emphasizing here is that you should tell him about your own interests too and not just focus and talk about his. If you want a relationship with someone or even just friendship, both of your interests are equally important. So, tell him about you and ask about him. Continue your efforts, but if he says ‘no’ or rejects your advances towards him, take a hint and stop. However, as long as you play safe and have a good friendly conversation, I am sure that you can be friends really quick and after that, perhaps you can try to become more!

Understand that everyone has their own moods and sometimes they’re in the mood to talk and sometimes they’re not. As long as he is good and respectful towards you, I am sure that even if he is dry, he’s still replying so you can message him all you want.

But these are just messages, you should try to smile and nod at him if you see him in class or hallways as well. You don’t have to have a full conversation, but do remember to say ‘Good morning’, or "Hi". It’s a simple greeting and won’t sound obvious. If you’re on greeting basis, it’ll be easier to get closer. So please do smile and greet him when you see him. Other than that, try to approach him when he’s not around his friends. Approaching someone especially if they’re surrounded by people can be intimidating. So, if you ever see him alone, just toughen up and make a quick conversation by sitting next to him and speaking about random things you would on text.

As for the Valentine’s rose, definitely go for it! Since it’s anonymous, you shouldn’t have to worry about being seen through unless you make it too obvious. I’m sure everyone would love a gift on such a special occasion and being liked by someone is a good feeling, so I’m sure he would appreciate the rose.

Good luck and I hope everything goes well. You’re always welcome if you ever need more advice.

Thank you,
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