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Advice Request
This person is scared about a math test.

Answered Submission
Math can be a hard subject for all of us, especially when we lack confidence in that area. That seems to be one of your primary issues here.

The best way to gain confidence for an exam is to be prepared for it. If you have a week before your next math test, take some extra time to revise your notes and study the material. One of the biggest issues a lot of people have with math is that it takes practice. It's not just about memorization. Most of the time, you have to be able to work out the problem and solve it, and that takes practice to get the process down. Memorizing formulas is important, but the key is being able to put them to use. My suggestion here is to get some practice questions so that you can actively practice the material you'll be tested on. Sometimes it helps to do this with a friend as well so you can both describe your process and how you got the answers you did. I myself did this in school, and it helped a lot! Either way, studying is very important before any test, so do your best to do so. I'm sure it sounds like a no-brainer, but it can be easy and very tempting to push aside studying for a test when you aren't confident with the material. The urge to procrastinate is a sort of subconscious defense mechanism; if I don't do it I won't get discouraged if I struggle, or of I don't do it and I do poorly on my test it's not really my fault because I didn't understand the material. Don't let yourself fall into these self sabotaging traps. Take some time to study for your test, and even if you're not 100% confident by the time the test rolls around, you're bound to do significantly better than if you hadn't studied at all.

Second, it is very important to keep a positive mindset about it. When we lack confidence, we tend to think negatively along with it, and that's another trap you want to avoid. Now, that doesn't mean to be overly optimistic about everything, but don't go into your test thinking you're going to fail or do poorly. Go into it knowing that you did what you needed to do to prepare for it, and what happens happens. As you gain confidence over time and tests, you will hopefully be able to go into an exam with confidence that you're going to do well.

I hope this helps, lovely. If you ever need or want more advice, feel free to reach out again. Good luck on your exam!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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