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Advice Request:

This person is worried their sister might be taking the wrong path in life.

Answered Submission: 

Hello,I'm glad to hear that your sister is happier. Social interaction and interpersonal relationships are incredibly important, and so it is no surprise that she is feeling better now that she's in a relationship. My only concern with that is that she may start to put all of her emotional needs on her boyfriend which can make for a strained relationship down the line. It is important that she has other people in her life who she can rely on and spend time with. Having you and your parents is definitely helpful, but you are right in that she needs to have other friends as well. Maybe she can get to know people at work or school. It could also be beneficial to have a study buddy who's also preparing for the CAT exam, so that they can study together if she hasn't taken it yet! It is important to keep in mind though, that you cannot force her to make friends. You can encourage her, but don't push too hard. Bugging her constantly about making friends won't make her want to make friends. It will likely just make her frustrated and annoyed.As for what your father said, yes there is some true in that. Nothing is perfect, no matter how good it may appear, but you shouldn't let that influence your happiness for your sister. If she is truly doing better with other people in her life (which is no surprise), then let her be happy. Let her see how this relationship plays out. Especially if it does not interfere with her studies and ambitions. It is not your job to steer your sister in life. She is an adult, and she can make her own choices. Will those choices lead her down the wrong path sometimes? Yes, probably, but that is just part of life. You'll likely go down "the wrong path" at some point too. I like to think though that there is no truly right or wrong path in life. There are better paths and worse paths, but I don't think life works entirely in right and wrong. Ultimately, your sister is going to make decisions that impact her life in various way, and it is her right to make those choices just as much as it is her responsibility to bear the consequences of those choices, whether good or bad. Don't stress over it too much, dear. You're a good sibling to worry for her like that, but it is not your job to direct her path. Let her choose where she wants to go, and how she wants to get there. All you have to do is support her and encourage her through her decisions and be with her during happy and sad times.I hope this helps, love. I wish your sister the best of luck in her studies, and you as well! Feel free to come back any time for more advice.Stay strong, The Advice Column Team

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