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Advice Request
This person wants some advice on dealing with stress.

Answered Submission

Hello again!

I'm sorry to hear how stressful everything is for you right now. I know senior year is not always an easy one, especially the first semester.

I'm glad to hear that you prioritize school and your wellbeing over your boyfriend. I know that sounds harsh, but it's a good thing. As much as you care for him and want to be with him, you know that your education comes first. Don't worry though. You'll get to spend more time with him once you get over this rough spot.

My only advice for you is to persevere. This is a tough time, and the only thing you can do is bear with it. I know it's hard and that you just want things to cool down a bit, but don't worry, they will. You're just going to have to tough it out.

I will leave you with a few tips for handling school:

1) Do your homework, and start your harder projects the day you get them. Procrastination is a feeding ground for stress, so why suffer through it when it's so easily avoidable?

2) Don't stay up late until it's morning on your phone or watching Youtube or Netflix. It feels so much better to be well rested rather than not, so try and get at least 7 hours of sleep if possible.

3) If you need help, ask for it. Teachers, friends, parents. If you need help with homework ask them. No one will know if you don't understand something if you don't say so.

4) Remember that this won't last forever. It's hard now, but in just a few short months, you'll be graduating and getting ready for college. Try your best to keep that in mind, and don't get too caught up in the stresses of the moment. You CAN get through it, and you WILL get through it.

Also, remember to process your stress. Write about your day or week in a journal if it helps. Talk about it with friends, or parents, or your boyfriend if that's how you process feelings. I hope this helps, girl!

Stay strong,

The Advice Column Team

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