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Advice Request
This person is confused with how to handle the matter of exam paper leak.

Answered Submission
Hello, I hope you’re doing fine.
To have an exam paper leaked is like a dream to some people. Despite that, it is an ethically and morally wrong thing to rejoice in which I’m sure you know since you came to us for advice regarding this matter.

My advice would be to report it. Yes, your school will suffer from a few repercussions but unfortunately that is how it is. When you do something wrong in the eyes of the law, you will get punished accordingly. That is how the world works.

Leaked exam papers are a matter of integrity. This exam is a national exam and once the news that this national exam is actually leaked, people will start questioning how far should they really trust the exam’s results since no actions were done towards those paper leaks. But, if you report it, the authorities will take the proper measures for the leaks and people will know that, yes, there are paper leaks, but the government is actually taking it seriously, thus making them understand that the integrity of the exam is still taken care of carefully.

I hope this helps you in making a clearer decision.

The Advice Column Team

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