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Advice Request
This person wants to know a better way to study.

Answered Submission

Studying is hard, especially when you aren't feeling motivated, but it's good that you want good grades. It means that you do have some motivation, which is good to recognize.

Everyone studies differently, whether it's copying from a book or using post-it notes. You will find it useful to discover the way that you learn best so that studying feels like less of a chore. You said that you want to balance the time between the things you love and studying, and I think you can do that. Have you tried mixing them together? For example, if you love singing, you could make up a song that helps you to remember the organs in the human body.

Another thing you can do is create flashcards to practice before the test. I studied like this, and it helped me immensely. I knew a girl who would repeat the things she struggled to learn out loud over and over until it was stuck into her head.

Don't study for hours on end. Take breaks and do the things you love. You can balance both. You also need to remind yourself that this is only temporary, and you won't be studying forever. Hey, you never know; this stuff could be useful in later life, even if you don't think it will be now.

With love,
The Advice Column Team

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