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Advice Request
This person wants advice on how to deal with an iffy friendship.

Answered Submission
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I know how difficult that can be, and how much it hurts. So, without further ado, let's get into this.

First, I am very glad to hear that you've already talked to her about it. That's almost always the first step I give for situations like this one. Now, if you want to try and salvage the friendship, then maybe try talking to her one more time. Sit her down and explain to her how her actions have hurt you. Don't be aggressive, but also don't be afraid to be blunt. Tell her straight and directly why you're hurting and what part of her hurt you. If she continues past behavior, then that leads us to the next step.

Sometimes, people are only meant to be in our lives for a season. When that season's over, then it's time to let them go. When this happens, go about it cleanly and diplomatically. Basically, stop talking to her. Don't be confrontational or petty about it. Don't seek out her company or conversation. If she comes to you, then sure, talk to her, but don't force the conversation if you don't want to talk. Keep it friendly but dry. Diplomatic. Just keep going on with your life, and keep her out of it. It might be difficult at first, but over time you will drift apart. It's better to cut it clean than to wait for it to whither slowly and painfully.

It's a fact that she's hurting you. She has no right to treat you the way she has been doing so. It doesn't matter what's going on in her life. You don't get to take your feelings out on others, and she doesn't seem to understand that. Honestly, I think you need to move on. It is in my personal opinion that when someone is bringing that much pain and stress into your life, then it's time to let them go. Friends are supposed to be there; they're supposed to support each other. She's not doing either.

When it comes down it though, it's not my opinion that matters. It's up to you to decide what to do. I am only here to offer my advice. You get to choose if you take it or not. Either way, I hope everything works out, and I really hope this helps! Please contact again if you have anything else!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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