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Advice Request
This person's friend is being unnecessarily rude to their boyfriend.

Answered Submission

I'm sorry to hear how your friend has been acting. That sounds like a very frustrating situation to be dealing with. I think the best thing to do right now is to talk to her one-on-one. Ask her what's up, and why she's been acting so unfriendly to your boyfriend and tell her how her behavior is making the both of you feel. It is clear she's doing what she's doing on purpose. There is a reason behind it. I think you're right that it started out as a response to dealing with her bad breakup, but it has continued to the point that it is likely a little more than that now. She could be using this as a coping mechanism, rejecting your boyfriend and making that clear to everyone to take some control back in her life that she feels subconsciously she's lost. It could also be that she feels left out since breakup and your new relationship came about right around the same time, and she's not handling well. It may have started as either and has continued in a more joking, prank kind of light, but that doesn't necessarily make it okay, especially if it has been made known to her that it is not found funny or is hurting others. So talk to her. She's your best friend, and I'm sure she loves you. You two need to have a conversation, in private, about what has been going on, and express clearly and concisely your thoughts and feelings on the matter. Then, let her speak and share her own, but be firm in your resolve that her joke needs to stop.

I hope this helps, love. Feel free to reach back out if you ever need more advice!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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