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Advice Request
This person does not want to meddle in their friends' relationship.

Answered Submission
With a situation like this, there is not much you can feasibly do without hurting one or even both of your friends. It would be wrong as either of their friends to tell him you like him when they're still dating, and trying to break them up is worse. Hon, this relationship is between the two of them. It has nothing to do with you, and whether or not you or others think they're good together doesn't matter if they are happy. And if he's not happy with her then he will have to come to terms with that and either try to work things out with her, or end the relationship so not to string her along. This, again, is an issue between the two of them. You said you don't want to get in the middle, so let it be, and let them figure out their relationship. There is nothing much you can do here beyond supporting them as their friend. And if they break up and you still like him, by all means tell him if you want to, but I will suggest not telling him immediately after they split. Give them both some time to heal, and be there for them. They're your friends, so that is the priority over your romantic feelings for him.

I'm sorry you find yourself in a situation like this, dear. It's not easy, and it's certainly not fun, but I'm sure you can handle it. You're doing great. If you ever need or want more advice feel free to visit us again!

Stay strong,
The Advice Column Team

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