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Advice Request
This person had to tell a friend something difficult.

Answered Submission

It must be awkward to be stuck in such a situation with your friend. However, first and foremost, you did nothing wrong, so you don't need to feel guilty at all. Moreover, you helped them contact each other which perhaps made your friend realize that he was completely not interested in her, which is something she needed to know.

I think you and your friend should spend more time doing other common hobbies or interests like shopping, art, studying or anything else rather than focusing on live life. Your friend definitely needs to have herself distracted from the love part of her life and focus more on other things.

If she still continues stalking him even after he blocked her, I think you should tell her straight-up that her behavior is being sort of creepy and weird and that it is wrong to pursue someone who is not interested in her and has clearly rejected her. Yes, blocking is considered a rejection. Tell her that if she continues being obsessive. I don't want you to mention the boy's crush because then she might start being obsessed and comparing herself to the crush and that's wrong.

Please help your friend understand where and why her behavior was wrong. And that she should focus on herself, her friends and family more right now if she doesn't have a lover. It's alright to have a relationship but boundaries in love exist too, one needs to respect their partner as well.

Once again, don't feel guilty at all since you probably helped the guy clarify his discomfort and situation as well.

Thank you,
The Advice Column Team

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