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Advice Request
This person wants to contact a person whom they had a class with.

Answered Submission

It would definitely not be weird if you talked to him in person or through text. If you have his number or social media, you should definitely send a greeting! Be casual and not so formal, go for something like: ‘Hey! I'm (Your name), we had (XX) class together last semester. Wanted to check up on if you were planning on doing a substitute teacher job after winter break.’ or ‘I heard you asked the professor about me, I was thinking of messaging you too since I heard you took (XX) class, it's a pity we're not in the same class anymore. Hope we can get another chance to study together again!’

Now you don't have to say it word for word, but I suggest going for something casual, not so bold all of the sudden. Keep continuing the conversation if you're interested in him and message him every now and then by sending random videos or pictures, people send their friends memes, TikToks or Instagram reels all the time; so, once you start the conversation, keep it alive by talking and sharing content.

Once again, it is definitely not weird to message him. He even asked about you so I'm sure he was curious himself. I won't say he's interested in you for sure but if he asked, at the very least, he wanted to be acquainted with you. Good luck and I hope you message him soon!

Thank you,
The Advice Column Team

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