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Advice Request
This person does not feel comfortable when their friend keeps taking about the boy their friend is taking to.

Answered Submission

It must be a little hard to keep up the enthusiasm when you’re genuinely not interested, but it’s very nice that you don’t wanna be rude to your friend. Since you value your friendship that much, your friendship should also be strong enough for you to say such things openly. If you’re not interested in her showing you the chats, just tell her that her chats are private and such things should only be kept between the two people talking. Explain it to her in a way that she doesn’t think you’re annoyed or disinterested, but rather thinks that you’re saying it for her sake. If she continues to still send pictures, tell it to her outright that you don’t think you have any right to see such private chats between people.

And although she might be obsessing over the boy, every time she bring up his topic, try to change it to something else. You can’t do anything about her obsession but if it irritates you, just keep talking about school/office work and other mutual interests. If she says anything, give her a dry response like “that’s nice”, “good for you” and just move on to another topic. It would show your slight disinterest perhaps and might come off as slightly rude, but it’s nothing to feel guilty about since she is the one constantly talking about the boy.

Don’t be afraid to speak your honest thoughts on the topic with her if she says you’re being rude to her. Tell her you have no interest in her private love life and it should be kept to oneself.

I hope the frustration goes away.

Thank you,
The Advice Column Team

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