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Advice Request
This person has suddenly lost a lot of weight.

Answered Submission

The first thing I would suggest is to go to a hospital and get a general checkup to see if everything is alright. If you’re not dieting or exercising heavily, it could be considered odd to lose weight randomly. Get a checkup. Also make sure to notice if the weight loss has had any other effects on your body when it comes to hair loss, irregular periods or period blood flow, often getting sick, stomach aches. Keep check of other such changes so that when you go for a checkup, you can answer properly. Please do go to doctor and find out if there is a reason behind the abrupt weight loss. It could be genetics as well. So a checkup is highly recommended.

I would suggest following a healthy food intake chart that your doctor might give you. However, if you don’t get one, follow one from online that you think is good. Although you eat healthy, you might want to add more calories or meals in your daily intake to increase weight. Eat more nuts, dairy products, eggs, wheat. Drink milk more often, every day is must. Maybe give yourself a treat more often too; eat pizza, cakes or fancy steaks. Snack often in between meals. Also, these can be empty calories, so invest in eating more high-protein food. If you used to eat 3 proper meals, try eating 4 meals and a snack.

I understand you want to remain healthy too but eating such unhealthy food will lead to weight gain hopefully and from then on, you can balance and manage your weight. So first, try eating more often.

Exercising is also good. It can help you gain muscles and help add to the weight. It will also increase your appetite, which will lead you to eat more often. Search up exercises that will help you gain weight on youtube!

Please do not worry so much, I am sure you can get healthier. You won’t gain weight in two weeks or more, it will be a slow but sure process. Give yourself at least 3-4 months to check your progress and I would not recommend checking your weight almost every week. Check it once a month, no more.

Thank you, I hope everything goes well!
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