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Advice Request
This person is feeling a bit skeptical about a job offer.

Answered Submission

Good to hear that you're doing well as a writer here on Wattpad.

You're not wrong to feel paranoid especially when you failed to find any related information on the internet regarding the app. In cases like this where you are not provided with much information, it is always good to follow your instinct. There are a lot of scammers in this world, more so nowadays since scammers can now utilize the internet to search for victims.

Before taking up an offer for a job, it is always important to make sure that you have information regarding your employer, which in this case you don't. To make a contract, you would probably have to give up some personal information about yourself and again, it is dangerous to do so when you don't know anything about your employer.

I tried googling about this app myself and like you said there is next to no information can be found regarding this application. However, upon further research, I managed to find some information. The app is listed on AppAdvice website. AppAdvice seems like any other website that offers information and news about apps on the App Store. After finding the app on AppAdvice, I managed to track down the website for the owner of the app that had approached you. However, even on that website, not much can be found out aside from that the app is owned by a company in China. Googling the company's name failed to give me any results. So all in all, what I can conclude from my shabby detective work is that the company is pretty sketchy with a lot of red flags.

I hope that this helps you!
Stay safe and wear your mask in public!

The Advice Column Team

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