Chapter 4 : toy story 3

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Cassie's P.O.V :

Niall : "okay let's start the movi-"

Niall was cut by my phone ringing . I excused myself and went to the kitchen and answered the phone :

Cassie : "hello Clara"

Clara : "hey Cassie , I am sorry for what happened"

Cassie : "it is okay , maybe next time we can meet"

I was sad that she didn't come today but I couldn't blame her for anything .

Clara : "I am sorry again but did you find a train , I mean it is late and I am worried"

Cassie : "I didn't go to the train station"

Clara : "oh my god then were are you ??? Am getting even more worried"

I could here in her voice that she was really worried , shall I tell her that I am with the boys ??? I mean I should tell her so she will not be worry about me yet I don't want to tell her because she will freak out but I will tell her the truth I think .

Cassie : "I am - i am staying the night with one direction"

Clara : "oh my god , no fucking way ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

I moved the phone from my ear because she was screaming . like what I said . I laughed because she was screaming and when she stopped I put it again on my ear .

Clara : "Cassie are you kidding ???"

Cassie : "god why would I lie to you !!!"

Clara : "oh my god , tell Niall and the boys I love them so much"

Cassie : "okay okay"

Clara : "thanks Cassie . I should go now"

Cassie : "okay Cassie , sleep well and sweet dreams"

Clara : "same to you"

I closed the phone and went back to the living room

I sat down and Harry said :

"who was it ??? , we heard screaming"

I laughed slightly that the boys heard Clara's screams from the here and said :

Me : "it was Clara , she couldn't believe that I was with you"

the boys laughed and then the boys started fighting over the movies  . Each one wanted to watch a movie . I got up and went to the movies shelf and pulled them apart and raised my voice to grab their attention :

"Guys don't worry this isn't the end of the world we can watch a movie and tomorrow another and after tomorrow another and so on"

They stoped fighting and looked at me . They nodded their heads and then Niall said :

"Why don't you choose the movie for tonight instead of us"

Personally I didn't want to be the one choosing because maybe I will choose a movie that they were fighting on and then they will think that I was with that person (A/N : didn't understand ??? I mean for example if I chose a movie and it was the same movie Louis chose then the other boys will think that I am siding Louis) I shook my head and said :

"I will close my eyes and take out a movie and that movie we will watch it"

The boys nodded and Louis screamed :


I laughed and nodded . He came back with a black one , he put it on my eyes and they screamed :


I was standing in front of the shelf so i ran my hand through the movies and then stopped . I took that movie out and the removed my blindfold . The boys were sitting on the couches . I read the name of the movie :

"Toy story 3"

Liam jumped up and hugged me while the other boys just said :

"Ew we don't like it"

"It is boring"

"God I would rather sleep than watch this"

"It is childish movie"

Liam and I turned to face the boys and we both gave them a puppy face . They sighed and Louis said :

"I will just watch it because of you Cassie"

The other boys nodded I ran to the boys and hugged them and said :

"Yay thank you , thank you , thank you"

Harry : "gurlll it is okayyyyy"

We sat on the couches and I was sitting in between Liam and Niall .


Author's note : Happy late new year
Guys will u plz spread this . Ily

684 words ☺

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