Chapter 139 : The decision and the right time

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Cassie's P.O.V :

Today is the last day of university . Finally summer vacation is here . Right now I am driving back home from university . The boys aren't in town . Niall is in Australia , Harry in L.A , Louis in Italy and Liam is in N.Y.C with Emma . He is flying back here today . This academic year , was the toughest so far , because of the accident that happened with me in the winter ...... I had to study as twice as I normally do , I even had to stay in uni till night just to get all the undone assignments done but in the end of the semester I got a high GPA . Not as high as I used to get but close enough to it and I am really proud of myself that I was able to do so , Liam was proud of me too and to be honest he helped me a lot , even when he was out of town he used to send me motivational massages , he used to call to make sure that I ate and slept . His support is something that I will be forever grateful for ....


Right now I am sitting on the couch after I got home and changed . I still have to plan my summer check list ..... but let me take a rest today . I opened Twitter and scrolled through the feed , I saw a tweet that caught my attention .

Our favourite man @liampayne and @Emmapayne are both nominated for the 2018 hottest couple . Use the hashtag #HottestCouple Liam & Emma ...... voting closes tomorrow at 9 PM GMT time .

I sighed and scrolled through the tweet's comments and the huge majority are positive ... this makes me feel sad , I mean a lot of people out there are happy about their relationship and they want to see Liam a dad ..... I don't know about Emma but I think that she is also happy being with Liam and that she wants to stay with him forever ...... I am the only barrier ....... sometimes I wish I never ran into Liam two years ago on the street , I feel like I stole him from his wife , his management and his fans ..... I fell like this is all my fault , if I weren't here , Liam wouldn't have that much of a problem with his wife , same goes for his management , he had been fighting a lot with the management since I came into his life , and as for his fans , he wouldn't have to worry about them because he and Emma weren't going to break up but now he most of the time think about their reactions and how they will respond to the news that him and Emma will divorce and I will become his girlfriend ...... even if he doesn't tell me that sometimes , I still do know that he thinks about these stuff ..... I have been thinking about this idea for a little while now and I don't know if I will make the right decision but now after I thought of it and after I saw this tweet and the comments . I am certain about my decision ......

Me and Liam have to break up .....

I will have to talk to him when he gets here , I know it will be heartbreaking to do so but we can't always build our happiness on someone else's saddens ...... Well I guess I will have to prepare a speech for tonight ..... He will arrive at around 3 in the morning so I will just leave him to sleep because he will be jet lagged and I can't put on more weight and exhaustion on him especially that the topic we will talk about is sensitive and the time need to be right also we need to be physically fine and emotionally ready for whatever happens next ...... it's gonna be a hard night for the both of us .

Liam's P.O.V :

Right now , I am on the plane , on my way back to London , back to my babe ... I missed her so much , I have been away for almost two months , the management wanted so , I talked to them about at least making it a month but they are so damn stubborn . They refused and unfortunately Cassie couldn't come because she had university ..... I decided to text her .

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