Chapter 143 : awkward yet nice

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Liam's P.O.V :

Me and the boys are now in the swimming pool, enjoying our time.

Niall : "guys I am thirsty"

Liam : "I will go get us something"

The boys nodded. I went out of the pool and walked to the bar . There I saw Cassie coming from the other side. We both arrived to the line at the same time. She looked at me and said :

"After you"

She gestured with her hand for me to go first. I shook my head and said :

"Nah it's fine, you go first"

She nodded, gave me a small smile and mumbled a quick "thank you" and then joined the queue. She is wearing a blue one piece bikini and all I could think about right now is grabbing her and kissing her, god how much I missed her.

She is standing so close to me, the last time we were this close was from about 3/4 months. God. I sighed. After I finished ordering, I went and stood in the pick up area. I again saw Cassie there. I decided to open a conversation instead of us standing here awkwardly.

Liam : "the weather is good today"

Cassie : "yeah it is, better than yesterday actually"

Liam : "yeah yesterday was kinda hot, today is warm"

She nodded.

Cassie : "so how are the boys ?"

Liam : "they are good, you can come say hi to them if you want"

She raised an eyebrow and said :

"Oh they are here too! I thought you were here with your family"

I laughed a small laugh and said :

"Nah they are here with me"

Cassie : "oh okay then I will come and say hi"

Liam : "yeah okay we are sitting there"

I pointed to where we are sitting and she nodded. Our drinks came and we took it then she said :

"Okay Liam see you around"

She smiled at me and I missed this feeling I get when she smiles at me. Can time stop here at this moment ? I smiled back and said :

"see you"

And with that we both went in a different direction.


Cassie's P.O.V :

Right now I am back from the bar. I sighed and put the drinks at the table .

May : "what took you so long Cass ?"

Quick Cassie quick I need to make up something.

Cassie : "um the bar was kinda crowded"

She nodded and I ran a hand through my hair. I sat down on the beach chair and sighed again. What happened back at the bar was awkward yet nice.

I missed being close to him and having a conversation with him but at the same time the atmosphere between us was kinda awkward. I shake my head to clear my head and decided to go and say hi to the boys.

Cassie : "aunt can I go and say hi to the boys ? They are here with Liam"

May : "sure sweetheart, go and take your time"

Everything Unexpected // Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now