Chapter 104 : hide and seek

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Cassie's P.O.V :

I woke up to my body being bounced up and down ..... I groaned and opened my eyes , seeing that one second I was in the air , the other I was hitting something semi hard . Then I remembered everything ...... I was on a trampoline with Liam beside me , also jumping up and down . I looked to the source causing all of this and found that Ruth and Nicola jumping on the trampoline causing me and Liam to bounce up and down .

Liam : "girls stop"

They laughed and continued jumping only this time harder which of course caused me and Liam to fly higher in the air .

Liam : "c'mon girls please stop"

They stopped and sat down on trampoline panting .

Ruth : "we only stopped becuase we are tired"

Liam : "good let's go back to sleep Cassie"

He went again under the covers and this caused the two girls to stand up again .

Cassie : "noooooo not again . Liam get up before they start doing it again"

He did as he was told and sat up right . The girls smiled at each other and Nicola said :

"So we will leave but if we came back and found you two sleeping ..... we will do it all over again"

Me and Liam nodded . They went off of the trampoline and started walking back to the glass door . I got up and went off the trampoline and looked at Liam and said :

"Good morning Li"

Liam : "good morning Cass"

We both went back inside and Liam went up to his room while I went to the guest's room . I showered and changed into something comfy then went down and into the kitchen . Everyone was here . I exchanged a couple of good mornings with everyone before sitting on the chair in between Karen and Nicola . We started eating breakfast as we made a small talk . After we were done , I helped Ruth and Nicola in doing the dishes while the others were in the living room doing whatever . After that I made them coffee and tea and we drank them in the garden . After that we decided to play hide and seek which was Karen's idea . Liam was the one counting . We all started running back and forth in the house . I decided to hide in Liam's closet . I stood between his suits and hid in them . I closed my eyes inhaling the scent that I love the most . If I could live here , I would have done it . After what seemed so long that I was starting to get bored here . I heard some sounds coming from outside the room . I composed myself and stayed quiet . Soon the room door opened and my heart started beating faster , after another minute the closet door opened and my palms started sweating . Then all of a sudden , Liam's face came face to face with mine .

Liam : "finally . I have searched all house for you"

I smiled . Liam then came in between his suits and stood right in front of me . He gently pushed me against the closet wall and then he closed the gap between us as his lips were on mine . I kissed him back . As my hands wrapped around his neck and his wrapped around my waist . After we shared a kiss , Liam looked in my eyes and I did tje same . The lights were off which made his brown eyes shine . I got lost in them .

Cassie : "I love you Liam"

Liam : "I love you too babe"

Cassie : "don't you think that we should head down ???"

Liam : "yeah we probably should but I would rather stay here with you"

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as my hand played in his short hair at the back of his head .

Liam : "Cass ???"

I hummed in response .

Liam : "kiss me"

I got butterflies in my stomach on hearing this and started leaning in until our lips were touching . He kissed me back . After a minute or so , he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance . I allowed him to enter as he discovered every inch of my mouth . I started moaning . I tried to control my moans incase someone was near the room . After some time he started bitting and pulling on my bottom lip which caused butterflies and fireworks to erupt . I pulled back and we rested our heads against each other . We both were panting . After we calmed down we both went out of the closet and then out of his room and downstairs . Everyone was seated on the couches .

Karen : "what took you so long Liam ???"

Liam : "um I couldn't find her"

They nodded . Them Geoff looked at me and said :

"Why is your face red darling ???"

I widened my eyes and looked at Liam then back at Geoff and tried to find a quick excuse .

Cassie : "well there wasn't enough air in the place I was hiding in"

He nodded .

Ruth : "so the award for the best place to hide in finder goes to ........ Cassie"

We all laughed . Me and Liam sat down and I checked the time and found that it was 1 pm .

Emma : "all this playing is making me hungry , I am going to do me some snacks"

Nicola : "let me help you"

They stood up and went to the kitchen .

Liam : "Cassie let's play fifa"

I nodded . Liam stood up and began connecting the playstation to the tv . After he was done , he put on the CD and we started playing , after about 15 minutes later , Nicola and Emma came with a tray full of sandwiches , we started eating as me and Liam were playing Fifa . So far he was winning me , I don't doubt it I mean he and the boys literally play it 24/7 so I am not surprised . We were at the very end of the match . Only 2 minutes left . I focused and boom I scored my first goal . I cheered and Liam said ;

"Good babe um I mean Cassie"

I hoped that no one really heard what he just said especially his "wife" . Once we finished the fifa . Emma said :

"Liam I want to play with you"

Liam looked at her and said :

"No thanks . I am tired . Maybe another time"

He got up and went upstairs and I so much wanted to comment on the conversation they had . I wanted to say something like :

"Boom darling hard luck"

But I controlled my self . I sat and continued eating .

--------------------------------------------------------- Author's note : Vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

1087 words

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