Chapter 70 : management

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*one week later*

Liam's P.O.V :

Okay so me and the boys are having a break from the tour , Dubai was our last stop for the Australian and Asaian tour and now we have a two weeks break before the Eropun tour ..... already a week has flown .... okay so this weak I spend it with Cassie since Louis and his family were in Dubai , Harry was in LA and Niall was in Ireland spending the weeks off with his family ..... of course you are thinking why am I not with Emma , well she is in the USA and honstly I wany to chill at mine and the boy's house which is mine at the moment since no one is here so everyday this week I would drop Cassie at school in the morning and pick her up when she finishes . She of course protested but I wasn't going to let her drive since is she underage and I don't want her to get arrested so she gave in and guess what I won . Anyways at night I would help her study and encourage her and at night if I won the argument then we would go out .... If not then we would watch a movie or something .... I was pulled out of my thoughts by my phone ringing . I shook my head and grabbed my phone seeing it was one of the management staff and I sighed knowing that whatever they are calling for is a bad idea which to them can be a brilliant idea . I answered .

Liam : "hello"

A management staff : "hi Liam . We need to talk to you . Come to the building now"

I face placed myself ..... He said "we need to talk to you" which means that there is a group of people who wants to talk to me and second he said "now" ... I don't want to move from the bed , I am comfortable .... I was pulled out of my thoughts for the second time today

A management staff : "Liam ??? Are you there ???"

Liam : "y-yeah . So um can't we talk on the phone"

A management staff : "no Liam we can't .... We are waiting for you bye"

He hung up . Rude . I tossed the phone to my side and sighed , throwing my head to the back .. It was now 11 am


I was walking to the room that I would be meeting the people that I hate the most . I knocked in the door before entering .

A management staff : "have a seat Liam"

I nodded and sat down , there were about 10 people sitting around me on the meeting table .

Liam : "so what is wrong ???"

A management staff : "so it is about Emma .... people have been suspicious about you and Cassie even though there isn't anything going on between you , am I right ???"

Liam : "very right we are just friends"

I nodded .

A management staff : "well since paps have seen you with each other a lot we have an idea that will not affect your friendship yet it will let go of all the rumors and suspicions that is going on"

I am afraid of what is happening next .... I hope it isn't what I have on my mind .... Please god ....

Liam : "and it is ???"

A management staff : "marrying Emma ..... you can propose to her and do your wedding next month so it will seem that you and her are pretty serious about that whole thing . We won't force you if you don't want to have kids now .... just propose and marry her and then the kids it is up to you"

My heart sank as he spoke every word . I can't marry someone whom I don't love .... wait no I mean I sure love Emma but she isn't the one I want to continue with ...... This can't be happening .... They can't force me to marry her ... I stood up and banged my hand on the table snapping :

"You can't just tell me who to marry and who to not ..... I am not a doll you bought"

A management staff : "Liam Payne how dare you talk like this to us ??? Take a seat and talk to us like how we talk to you . We called you here to dicuss this not snap and fight"

I took a deep breath and sat down cursing under my breath .

A management staff : "so what do you have to say ???"

Liam : "well I know that you control us and all but at least you can't control who we should marry or not . It is not a game . I love Emma but she isn't the one I want to spend the rest of my life with . I am still young and so she is"

A management staff : "but there isn't any other option . We told you , we won't force you to have kids if you don't want to yet plus no one told you to hung out with Cassie a lot"

I felt anger rush through me hearing them saying her name .

Liam : "what ??? Best friends can't hang out a lot ???"

They all looked at each other , not knowing what to say as they realized that my words were correct .

Liam : "see ??? You have nothing to say . Y'all just want to control and ruin my life"

A management staff : "Liam do what you are told to do "

He snapped and I smirked saying :

"And what will happen if I didn't ???"

A management staff : "well then you leave no other option but to let Cassie stay away from you all . Honstly all she does is cause problems and making fans suspicious"

Again anger rose as I shouted :

"How dare you ??? You can't say that about her , she helps me and the boys . She is our true friend . You can't take her away"

I stood up and walked to the door , I was about to open it when one of them said :

"Defending Cassie are you ??? Will if you want her to be safe then do what you are told"

I turned around and said :

"Don't you dare to touch her"

I glared at them as I walked out of the room slamming the door . I don't care if I am rude for slamming the door or just leaving like this or shouting at them ..... They have crossed the red line ...... I am in a big problem now ....

--------------------------------------------------------- Author's note : Vote . comment . share . follow .

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Everything Unexpected // Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now