Chapter 35 : midnight snacks

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Liam's P.O.V :

After we safely went downstairs . We went to the couch and sat . She grabbed the tv remote and handed it to me . I took from her and smiled . I opened it and started flipping through channels . Till we found a film . We both watched it and it was the last thing I remember ......

I woke up to the sound of the tv . I looked around the dark room until I remembered everything ..... I looked down and Cassie was sleeping on my chest . I smiled and grabbed the tv remote that was laying on my lap and closed the tv . I then put it on the coffee table and stood up trying not to wake Cassie up . After I successfully got up . I gently carried her bridal style and started walked upstairs . I stood in front of her door and tried to open it and yup I did open it . I walked inside and closed it behind me , I then started walking to her bed and I laid her there . I then got under the covers myself . I pulled her into my chest and starting thinking . Do I really love her or is it just a crush . I mean I have a girlfriend but why don't I feel the same with her ??? Maybe I was wrong when I said that I love Emma ??? But no . If I didn't love her then why would I have told her my feelings and kissed her and dated her from the start . Something is happening and I know that it isn't good . Whether it is for my feelings or it is for Emma's or for Cassie's . Wait why would Cassie suffer from the bad feelings . It is not like she loves me right ??? Ugh this makes me so confused . I sighed and just as I was about to try and sleep , a voice stopped me .

Cassie : "Liam . You didn't sleep again ???"

I looked down at her and said :

"I slept downstairs and now I was about to try and sleep"

Cassie : "oh I am sorry . Sleep now"

Liam : "it is okay . I know I wouldn't sleep"

Cassie : "at least try . This makes me feel bad"

Liam : "it is not your fault and I will try so that you wouldn't feel bad"

Cassie : "thanks Liam and good night"

Liam : "good night"

I closed my eyes . Try not to think Liam . Shut every single idea that is in your head . I kept telling myself this . Till I was asleep .

Cassie's P.O.V :

I was happy that I was spending time with Liam . Alone . It really made me feel much better . Now Liam was trying to sleep or perhaps he slept because he started snoring slightly . I checked the time and it was 4 am . Should I get back to sleep ??? Maybe me and Liam are too tried to do the plans we just made few hours ago . To be honest , the plan was crazy and maybe we were just making it for fun ??? Maybe I don't know . I was pulled out of my thoughts by Liam pulling me to his chest . I didn't fight back and let him pull me . It is not like I don't want to sleep in his arms . He then smiled while his eyes were closed . Maybe his is dreaming ??? Maybe he is in a heavy sleep that he thought I was Emma ??? I was pulled again from my thoughts when he opened one eye and smiled to me .

Cassie : "so you weren't asleep Payno ???"

He opened his both eyes and sat upright and started laughing .

Liam : "I slept for like a few minutes but I am good now"

I laughed along with him .

Liam : "I am hungry"

Cassie : "same"

He stood up and I did the same . We both went down and entered the kitchen . I opened the light and we immediately closed our eyes . After a few minutes I opened them and Liam was still closing them . I laughed .

Cassie : "c'mon Liam . Open your eyes"

He only mumbled :

"I am sleeping"

I laughed and said :

"No one sleeps while they are standing"

I hit his stomach and he jumped and started laughing . He was cute . Stop Cassie .

Cassie : "what do you want to eat ???"

Liam : "I don't know . Maybe some junk food"

I nodded and took out some Oreos and chips out of the cupboard . And threw them on the table then went and sat opposite from Liam .

Liam : "shush ! They are sleeping upstairs"

Cassie : "oops sorry . I forgot about them"

I really forgot about the others . It is like I was in a world with just Liam . Just me and Liam . I opened a chips bag while he opened a pack of Oreos .

Liam : "but seriously people can sleep while they are standing"

Cassie : "then they will fall"

Liam : "yeah I know but at least we can say that they slept while standing"

I nodded and we completed our little midnight snack . We made a little talk while we were eating . Now we were done . We threw the empty bags that was once full with junk food . We then went upstairs and into my room . Liam sat on the bed while I went to the bathroom to do my business . After I was done . I went out and Liam was on his phone . I sat on the bed and grabbed mine too . There was a text from David :

"I reached home . Goodnight girl "

It was sent at 1 am . I texted him back

"Good night "

I then clicked on the email app and I got tons of emails . All of them were the Facebook , Twitter and instagram and youtube emails . I hate getting them . Like man I know that I had a massage or someone wanted to add me or if one of my subscribers uploaded a video . I know . No need to tell me . I started deleting them and in the middle of doing it . Liam said :

"What should I tweet ???"

I looked at him and said :

"Um I don't know . Maybe good night ???"

Liam : "how about hi"

I laughed and said :

"Liam you are so dumb . Maybe you can tweet , wait why do you even want to tweet in the middle of the night and when you have no ideo what to tweet about"

Liam : "I don't know . I feel like doing it . Haven't tweeted in 2 days"

He shurged and I nodded .

Cassie : "maybe tweet midnight snack time ???"

Liam : "but we already finished our snack time"

Cassie : "duh Liam . Can't you pretend it is a snack time , it is not like they will be watching you eating the snack"

Liam : "all right . Thanks Cass"

Cassie : "no need"

After a minute my phone vibrated in my hand signaling there was a tweet . Of course it was Liam's .

@Real_Liam_Payne : midnight snacks time . Thanks Cass

I burst out laughing and he did too .

Author's note : vote . Comment . Share . Follow .

1152 words ☺

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