Chapter 148: hosptital

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*8 years later*

Cassie's P.O.V:

It's been 8 years, a long time. I took my master and PhD degree in cardio surgery and now I am a Cardiothoracic surgeon.

I am now working in a hospital in mid London. I have only been working there for two months now. I am still new in the career field but I am learning fast since this is what I have always wanted to do.

I feel so happy whenever I enter the OR. I feel like this is the place I fit in. I feel myself in this room. Of course I won't say that I never feel scared because of course I do but I trust myself in treating the patient laying on the surgical bed in front of me.

I work for 5 days in a week for a 15 hours shift. I only get 9 hours for myself each day and sometimes I get call on duty that can last up to 7/8 hours. So sometimes I work for the 24 hours and sometimes 15 hours and sometimes I get called during weekends.

I barely see Liam and my friends, I also barely go out or have time for myself in general. Of course it isn't easy and it's so tiring but I love what I do and I never thought of giving up, not after what I have achieved.

Liam is still with me and supporting me through every step I took and still take. He understands my career situation and respects it although we sometimes fight because of the less time I spend with him but at the end we sort it out and he understands it at the end.

Right now, I am getting ready for the work ceremony at the hospital tonight, where each surgeon will have to give a small word, we are supposed to bring a date with us and Liam agreed to come with me and I couldn't be more thankful because he himself is busy most of the time.

Liam is still a solo singer but he opened his own brand and named it "payne". His store sells men clothes, ranging from sports wear to garments to shirts to pants and also men sunglasses, men shoes, men hand watches and men perfumes. He is a successful businessman and a singer.

I am so proud of him and what he achieved. He sometimes find it hard to cope with both careers but he has me, his friends and family. We all support him and help him whenever and however we can. Oh and by the way if you are wondering I am 32 years old and Liam is 35 years old.

Liam: "babe, let's go we will be late"

I ran downstairs holding the high heels in my hand and my clutch in the other.

Cassie: "okay I am ready, let's go"

Liam looked me and said:

"Woah babe"

Cassie: "you look good too babe"

Liam came to me and leaned, I laughed, pushed him a bit and said:

"Li, we will be late remember?"

Liam frowned and said:

"I am not moving before I kiss you, come back here"

He grabbed me and I laughed. He kissed me and I kissed him back. I pulled away and said:

"Enough Liam let's leave" 

Everything Unexpected // Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now